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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
11/5/2009 3:11:21 PM
Creation date
11/5/2009 3:11:20 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, October 19, 2009 <br />Page 16 <br />e. Adopt a Resolution Adopting the 2030 Comprehensive Plan and Tier II <br />Comprehensive Sewer Plan <br />As previously noted, this item was deferred to a future meeting when a full com- <br />plement of Councilmembers was available. <br />f. Consider Acquisition of Portions of Property at 2785 Fairview Avenue for <br />Road and Infrastructure Purposes <br />Community Development Director Patrick Trudgeon reviewed the proposed Pur- <br />chase Agreement for 2785 Fairview Avenue as detailed in the Request for Coun- <br />cil Action dated October 19, 2009. <br />Mr. Trudgeon provided a map of the parcel, known as the "Hagen Property," at <br />Fairview Avenue and County Road C; discussed the history of the parcel; and fu- <br />ture need of acquisition of the property by the City for additional infrastructure <br />work. Mr. Trudgeon reviewed discussion over the last year related to this parcel, <br />ordering of an appraisal by the City; and negotiations and discussions coming to <br />this point and requested action before the City Council. <br />Mr. Trudgeon reviewed the area of the parcel included in the Purchase Agree- <br />ment; right-of--way purchase and triangle remnant piece; temporary easement <br />area; and remediation costs escrowed in the amount of $60,000; applicable waiv- <br />ers; relocation costs for current tenants, but not subsequent tenants; timing of clo- <br />sure; and disclosure of hazardous or contaminated areas based on previous studies <br />to-date. Mr. Trudgeon noted that the outbuilding serving as a truck repair facility <br />would continue in operation and for truck storage until June 1, 2011, unless the <br />City determined that it needed earlier access, at which time the lease would be <br />prorated as applicable. Mr. Trudgeon advised that Hagen Ventures will continue <br />to operate and be responsible for all utilities and taxes and will be required to hold <br />general liability insurance for use of property. <br />Staff recommended entering into the Purchase Agreement to secure this important <br />link for further development of the Twin Lakes Parkway at this time and based on <br />this mutually-agreeable transaction. <br />Mayor Klausing noted those tenants eligible for relocation and those not and spe- <br />cific language (bullet point #5) "WILL NOT" likely be eligible for relocation, and <br />questioned rationale for that language. <br />City Attorney Squires advised that the language had been chosen and the Pur- <br />chase Agreement structured to best protect the City, given that there would not be <br />a determination of who would be eligible until their actual displacement should <br />the City need use of the property earlier than anticipated; and allowing for how a <br />relocation consultant would make their conclusions based on specific language. <br />
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