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EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE <br />CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of <br />Roseville, County of Ramsey, Minnesota, was held on the 16`'' day of November 2009, at 6:00 <br />p.m. <br />The following Members were present: Roe, Pust, Johnson, Ihlan, and Mayor Klausing; <br />and the following Members were absent: none. <br />Mayor Klausing introduced the following resolution~and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION NO. 10763 <br />A RESOLUTION APPROVING A 1,008-SQUARE-FOOT ACCESSORY STRUCTURE <br />AS A CONDITIONAL USE IN ACCORDANCE WITH §1004.01, §1014.01, AND §1017.21 <br />OF THE ROSEVILLE CITY CODE FOR RICHARD MARTIN (PF09-033) <br />WHEREAS, Richard Martin owns the property at 2970 Mildred Drive; and <br />WHEREAS, the subject property is legally described as: <br />Rohleder's Oak Grove Lot 25 <br />PIN: 04-29-23-24-0031 <br />WHEREAS, the property owner seeks to allow the construction of a 1,008-square-foot accessory <br />structure which is a conditionally permitted use in the applicable Single-Family Residence <br />Zoning District; and <br />WHEREAS, the Roseville Planning Commission held the public hearing regarding the <br />requested CONDITIONAL USE on November 4, 2009, voting 6-0 to recommend approval of the <br />request based on public comment and the comments and findings of the staff report prepared for <br />said public hearing; and <br />WHEREAS, the Roseville City Council has determined that approval of the requested <br />CONDITIONAL USE will not adversely affect nearby Langton Lake or the conditions on, or the <br />value of, nearby properties and will not compromise the health, safety, and general welfare of the <br />citizens of Roseville; <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Roseville City Council, to APPROVE <br />the request for a CONDITIONAL USE in accordance with Sections § 1014.01 and § 1017.21 of <br />the Roseville City Code, subject to the following conditions: <br />a. The footprint of the accessory structure shall not exceed 1,008 square feet, and <br />shall comply with all other zoning and building code requirements; <br />b. No garden sheds, storage containers, or additional accessory structures shall be <br />allowed on the property; <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />