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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
12/11/2009 9:08:45 AM
Creation date
12/11/2009 9:08:42 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, November 23, 2009 <br />Page 15 <br />cil's attention once again, cautioning them about spending reserves for short-term <br />needs, ultimately pushing off that burden to the next generation. <br />Councilmember Roe noted the substantial funding gaps represented in the ten- <br />year CIP, based on existing monies, projected needs, and projected property taxes. <br />Councilmember Roe noted that, even with incredible interest returns that the City <br />might realize, the City was not even close to funding those capital needs with re- <br />serves; and advised that he would not support such a suggestion; opining that to <br />continue spending reserves was an unsustainable practice. <br />Mr. Miller concurred, noting the approximate need annually of $1 million for <br />overall vehicle replacement. <br />Councilmember Johnson questioned the process for final budget adoption from <br />the preliminary budget. <br />Mr. Miller advised that the City Council would be asked to finalize the budget at <br />the December 21, 2009 meeting, two weeks after the Truth in Taxation hearing. <br />Councilmember Johnson advised that he had fundamental problems with the pro- <br />posed budget as it stood, based on appropriations; opining that this budget was a <br />broad stroke versus line item process; and he doesn't feel he's been provided with <br />sufficient information to appropriately allocate funds from one department to an- <br />other without fully understanding those impacts. Councilmember Johnson ad- <br />vised that he had consulted with City Manager Malinen regarding those reserva- <br />tions, and wanted to alert his Council colleagues that he would not support this <br />budget unless he received that additional information. Councilmember Johnson <br />reviewed his request for additional information on "other" categories as an exam- <br />ple, and lack of information on differences (i.e., Police Department taken from <br />$166,000 to $56,000). <br />Mayor Klausing advised that this was one patrol position not filled. <br />Councilmember Johnson opined that he didn't have sufficient information at to- <br />night's meeting that would allow him to reallocate monies and do the budget jus- <br />tice; and questioned his colleagues on whether he'd have another opportunity to <br />discuss the budget, and see responses from City Manager Malinen on his sugges- <br />tions and subsequent impacts. <br />Mayor Klausing expressed his personal frustration that Councilmembers believed <br />they were not receiving sufficient background information, when any individual <br />requests of staff that he'd made had been readily fulfilled or received responses. <br />Mayor Klausing opined that, if a Councilmember was not supportive of the City <br />Manager-proposed budget, it was their responsibility to propose an alternative. <br />For example, by making a shift from one department to another department, and <br />
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