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Roseville City Council Meeting Procedures 8s Rules <br />January _, 2004 <br />i. <br />ii. <br />iii. <br />iv. <br />v. <br />vi. <br />5. Presider. <br />� <br />�_ <br />r� <br />s�:� <br />� <br />Convene meeting; call roll; approve agenda, <br />perform other preliminary or ceremonial mat- <br />ters. <br />Receive public comment. <br />Consider consent items. <br />Consider unfinished business. <br />Consider new business. <br />Adj ourn. <br />}_�ir.. ,.ti — <br />f},} L • <br />...�. " <br />:;:. <br />;�; : <br />a. Th� IVf a��r ��i�il �r�c �i�i� �t � � �£��n�i �' �e��� �� <br />f��i l it�rt� � ir�u��i �ri t r� �� v��� th�t �a�a�c�`� ��irn��s <br />in accomplishing the p�b���'s t�sir���� ��it� ���`fi- <br />ciency. To that end, th� ?+�a���� �d Council will use <br />the most recent �diti�ti �f �`���t�r #���� ��' ���� a� <br />$ �t'i��ti�'i� gtrid� .. . <br />�, ir� ��� IVla��r'� ��;�����; t�.��.�r�� 11����xr sha�l �r�- <br />si�l� a� �o���i! rr�e�#�x'i��- l� �h� �.���-r��� �f th� <br />I�+.f ��� � r ar� r� ��ti�� I1�a�•�r, th� ��ut��i�rrY�rrY��r +��i tl� <br />th� m��� s�n�rir.�r �� ��ouncilmember shall pre- <br />si d� ,��� ��i��� ����ilmembers have equal senior- <br />it�� �l��t �'��n�i�i-i�tii}�e� v�Fi�� r�� �i��� �h� rrio�t �a��s <br />�t tI�� l��t ��� �1�� �.io ri �ha11 �r�si��. <br />�, �s assi�t�d b� th� �`it}� }�t��rz����� th� Pr��i��r �h�l� <br />. rul� �n �ll ��f����lural questi�rYS a�sa�i�t�� witl� ��� <br />��:�� of a council meeting. Any Councilmember <br />r�.���appeal a procedural ruling of the Presider. The <br />a����i must be presented at the time of the Pre- <br />sider's ruling. A majority vote of the Council quo- <br />rum at that meeting overturns the Presider's proce- <br />dural ruling. <br />6. Votin�. Councilmembers will vote on all motions pre- <br />sented at a Council meeting unless they declare an actual <br />or potential conflict of interest, or state another reason for <br />� <br />