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� � � i <br />� ■ � � <br />Special Study Session of the City Council: <br />Joint Meeting with Roseville Citizen Commission Chairs and Department Heads <br />Saturday, February 7, 2004, 9:00 a.m. to Noon <br />(Light Refreshments Available at 8:30 a. m. ) <br />Harriet Alexander Nature Center <br />2520 North Da1e Street — Roseville, Minnesota 55113 <br />Purposes of this Meeting: First phase of a three-phase process to create City <br />goals and objectives. (PhaseTwo involves Town Ha11 Meetings in the Commu- <br />nity to listen to residents. Phase Three involves City Council goal and priority <br />setting. ) <br />Meeting Guidelines: Since we ha�e three hours and there are s� City de- <br />partments through which services are provided to the public, I suggest we a1- <br />low about 25 minutes for discussion of the services provided by each depart- <br />ment. If you wish, department heads could begin by taking a few minutes to <br />highlight the most important points within their SWOT analysis that has a1- <br />ready been sent to each of you. All Councilmembers, Commission Chairs, and <br />Department Heads are welcome to participate in a roundtable conversation <br />about City operations and priorities. <br />Desired Outcomes of this Meeting: Share information about the Strengths, <br />Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats facingthe City from the perspective of <br />the City's department heads and citizen advisory commission chairs. Better <br />prepare Council and staff for Phase Two of this process -- the four Town Ha11 <br />Meetings with the Community. <br />Council Agenda <br />1. Call Roll. <br />2. Welcome and Introductions. <br />3. Discuss and Decide Upon Meeting Procedures. <br />Be a part of the picture.. .get involved with your City.... Volunteer.i For more information, feel <br />free to stop by City Hall or call Carolyn at 651-792-7026. You can also check-ouf ourwebsife at <br />www.citvofro�� Volunteering, a Great wayto Get Involved! (Over, please.] <br />