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Areas of Contamination <br />� ofcontaminantreleasesoccurredin 17 <br />areas <br />Sources included leaking petroleumunderground <br />storage tanks, sumps, drainage ditches, and a small <br />dump associated with past commercia�ndustriat <br />activities <br />CO�CMPdh�h#�++�eren � 4 ;: solvents. <br />Cn++r�rts,andmetats) shallowsoilandperched <br />groundwater; limited to the source areas <br />Areas of Contamination <br />� <br />Cleaned up o r Closed <br />pursuantto MinnesotaPollutionControlAgency <br />requirements <br />Contingency PI�11 <br />allows residualcontaminationfrom known releases to <br />be managed at the time of redevelopment <br />History of Environmental Investigation <br />Flrst environmerttal investigations <br />in 1980s in response to peUaleum releases <br />y3� soil boringa <br />drilledfor environmental purposes <br />35+ monitoring w�ls <br />constructedin U�e redevelopmentarea <br />Areas of Contamination <br />��� <br />Additional sourCes of soil and gmund water <br />contamination existjust outside the boundaries of the <br />redevelopment area <br />181��1fl� �soiland : S <br />contamination have been • a 1 <br />radius of the redevelopment area <br />H u nd reds of sofl borinaslmonitorinn wells located <br />just outside the redevelopment area <br />�� <br />� <br />