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I. Purpose/Roles and <br />Responsibilities <br />Desired Outcomes <br />• A very well informed Panel <br />• Clear and comprehensiveinformation regarding <br />the Panel's opinions on a wide range of project <br />issues. <br />• A Master Developer and DevelopmentTeam <br />with an excellent understandingof community <br />aspirations and concerns. <br />• A Project Master Plan that incorporates, to the <br />extent possible, elements and characteristics <br />that respond positively to community input. <br />Advisory Panel <br />Perhaps the best way to describe the role <br />of the Advisory Panel is as a sophisticated <br />focusgroup. You representa selected <br />cross section of interests. You will be <br />provided a substantial amount of <br />background information and your opinions <br />will be recorded on every relevant issue. <br />Purpose <br />The purpose of the Twin Lakes <br />Stakeholders' Advisory Panel is two fold — <br />first to engage and inform a selected <br />group of community representativesabout <br />numerous issues that will affect the future <br />of the project area and second to facilitate <br />a process through which the participants <br />can provide input regarding every aspect <br />of the redevelopment project. <br />Key Point <br />The Roseville City Council is not <br />delegating its authorityto make the key <br />decisions regarding this important project. <br />The panel's work is advisory to the <br />Council and all of its advisory <br />commissions. All of the standing advisory <br />commissions will participate in their <br />established roles and they are by no <br />means bound by an aspect of this <br />process. <br />Twin Lakes StakeholderAdvisory <br />Panel Members <br />HRA - Chair a Represeritative <br />Planning Commission - Chair a Represeritative <br />. Public Works Commission - Chair a Represeritative <br />TransportationCommission - Chair a Represeritative <br />. Utilities Commission- Chair or Representative <br />. Parks Commission- Chair a Representative <br />. Human Rights Commission - Chair ar Represeritative <br />. 2 representatives of NorthwesGBrenner neighborhood <br />. 2 represeritatives of East side of Langton Lake neighborhood <br />. 2 represeritatives of East of Fairvipw neighborhood <br />. 2 represeritatives of the James Addition neighborhood <br />Q�e at-large member- City residerit not in affected area <br />• Area Business/Property Owners <br />� <br />