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Organizational City Council Minutes —1/5/04 <br />Page 11 <br />pending issues, could be reformatted to a business meeting <br />if required; noting that all meetings would be posted, <br />published and open to the public. <br />City Manager Beets noted that the format of the work <br />session could be as formal or informal as the Council <br />desired; could receive staff and public input, and could be <br />used for action items or simply for discussion, with action <br />items processed at the second and fourth Monday <br />meetings. Mr. Beets noted several exceptions to <br />accommodate holidays and in an effort to provide balance <br />in the meeting schedule, and meet statutory requirements <br />(i.e., zoning issues). <br />Councilmember Schroeder sought clarification of the <br />Council's intent for using the work sessions, voting on <br />action items or not, and the actual number of business <br />meetings proposed. <br />City Manager Beets reiterated that the work sessions could <br />take on various formats, at the discretion of the Council <br />and the issues before the Council; noting that normally <br />they were for further discussion and study of a smaller <br />number of policy issues (i.e., five issues); and while he <br />didn't anticipate voting other than to provide staff <br />direction, it provided an opportunity for staff and the <br />public to hear more Council feedback, and for the Council <br />to hear more input from the public and staff as applicable. <br />Councilmember Maschka wholeheartedly endorsed the <br />work session format; opining that it made for better and <br />more productive business meetings, when discussion could <br />take place prior to action being taken; allowed for more <br />consideration and open discussion of issues; and <br />ultimately allowed for a more process-driven and shorter <br />business meeting, with more information being made <br />available to the public and the Council. <br />Councilmember Schroeder sought further clarification on <br />whether voting would be done on various topics and/or <br />consent items at a work sessions; and how many actual <br />