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3. Rent. <br />a) On the Comme��cement Date, tl�e Lessee sh�ll pay O���n�r, as rei�t, the sui�� ot� t���enty-t��-vo <br />tholisand �nd No/l00 Dollars ($22.000.00) per year, p�}��ble in ad���E�ce in equal monthly <br />installi»ents based upon Lessee`s installation as SIlOWIl on E�hibit Q. Lessee's tirst <br />installment of rent shall be prorated for �ny p�rti�l moiith and be paid to Uwner within <br />twenty (20) d�ys �fter the Commei�cen�ent D�te, and all subseq«ent payments �vill be <br />made in �dvance on or befor� the 1'` ciay of e��ch month. <br />b) Tl�e rent sl�all be iner��sed a��nu�liv. comn�encing Septeml�er l�. 200> �nd on Se��tembec <br />1�tn of each subsequent year bV 3% per annun�. <br />C� L,�SSC'.e 111c1V l101 1C�C� 1C�C�)11011'c1I 2C�Lt1��117CI1C c�ll(��OP �111ie11111S �1'0111 1I1�11 Slln\�%ll lll �X�lt�lll Q <br />��ithout approval oF O���ner, not to be unreasanably withheld, conditioned, or delayed and <br />a�1 addend�iil� a�,�rceement �tor ��dditio»�tl rent. <br />d) If thi: Lease is terminaced, rent shall be pro-r�ted to thc: termination date. <br />�+. Property Lise. Lessee may usi: tlle Premises for the installatioi�. �a���eration. and <br />tnaintenance of f�cilities for the transmissi��n �nd reception of �•adiu eomi��unication si��na{s in <br />such 1'rcquencies as m�y be assi��ned to L�s�ec by the 1�'ede��al Co�»municatio��s Com»�issiun (th� <br />"FC'C�') and for the Il1S[c1II1t1011, o��er�lCion, mainten�nce, and use oF related �quipm�nt in <br />�lecorclance with the terms oi� this Lease. This use shall be n��n-��clusi��e. Lessee sh�ll use th� <br />Property in con�pliance ��-ith �t(l feder�l. state, a�id loc�tl la��rs and regul�tions. O�-vner a�.:rees to <br />reason�bl}' cooper�tte with Lessc;e in obt�it�it���. �t Lessee's e�pense. iT�cludin� the reimbw•sement <br />of Owner's reasonable attorney and adrniniSCrative fees at �� cost not to ��ceecl S��O0.00. any <br />fedei•�l licenses and pei•�Zlits reqt�+red Ior Lessee's use of tl�e Premises. <br />�. Instaflatioil of Equi��mel�t �nd Leasel�o4d Improve»>entti. <br />a) Lessee sh�lll h�ve the ri��ht, at its sofe eost �nd e�pense, to erecC, install. oper�it� on the <br />��l'Lll1I5tS. �I1Ci 117�1111i�1131 l�lZ S�1111C: Ill �lCCOPC��111CC: \Vll�l ��'OOC� ('ll`�III�C;I'lll�._' �JI'�1ClIC�S. £111C� I11 <br />compliance ��ith all �pplicable FCC ruies ancf regulations. the necess�ry equipment_ <br />�Jel'SOII`cl� ��l'O(�Lfty, �lI1Ci {�1C1�111C;S W�11C�1 II]C�UC�� l'�C�10 ll'�17Slllltlil7� �111C� CeC(:IVlll�� tU11��11i1�S <br />nat to e�ceed th�t designated in Lxhibit B(the "�1111�1111�1 I'�lCI�IIIC;S'�). <br />b) Lessee's installation of �il suc{� Antenna Facilities shall be done accordin`� to plans <br />approved by Ow��er, �vhich approval sf�ail not unre�tson�l�1�� be �vithheld. conditioned. ar <br />delayed. Ownec shall approve or object to stich pl�ns ���ithin thirtv (;0) days oi� i�eceipr- <br />ancl i:ailure to mal:e anv objection within s�id ihirty (�Oj day5 shall be deem�d �pproval bv <br />Owner. A�Iy d�ma��e dc�n� to O�vner�s Pro��erty durin�� instaflation or c�perations itself <br />�lurin�� installation and oper�tions shall be rep�ired or repl�ced at Lessee�s eapense and to <br />O�vner's reasonal�le satisfaction. <br />