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� <br />Request for Council Action <br />Date: June 14,2004 <br />Item Number: 3.d <br />Department Approval Manager Approval Agenda Section <br />� <br />� <br />Item Description: <br />Polling Location Change for Precincts 6 and 7 <br />Back r� ound <br />Precinct #6 National American Universitypolling location has been in existence since the redistricting in 2002. <br />It was visited last year by a representative of the Secretary of State, �'h�' concluded that this polling location <br />was not easily accessible for handicapped and elderly voters due to a long walk through the building to the <br />polling site. This site is located in a classroom at the back of the building. Also, this site is not conducive to <br />handle waiting lines, which would likely occur in large elections. A replacement site has been found, and that is <br />RosePointe, 2555 N. Hamline Avenue. The management was very excited and willing to serve as a polling <br />location into the future. This site will allow for the voting just inside the front entrance, which would be <br />accessible to handicapped and elderly voters. Patty Hoag, the Head Judge for Precinct#6, and a long-time <br />election judge, toured the RosePointe facility and determined that this site would well serve the needs of <br />Precinct #6. <br />Precinct #7 Grace Church Rosevillepolling location has been in existence for many years. Recently, the church <br />has done some constructionto enlarge the church. Before the construction, voters had a rather short distance to <br />walk to get to the polling site. Parking was on the same level as the polling site. Now, since construction, the <br />polling site is much further away from the entrance of the building. Parking is also a concern because the <br />RosevilleArea High School uses most of the parking around the handicapped entrance. This creates a problem <br />because we have to have two separate entrances for the voters (the handicapped enter at one end, and other enter <br />at the opposite end). Then once the handicapped or elderly voters get into the building and go down the <br />elevator they have to travel down a long hallway to the polling site. Also, we have to have two judges <br />dedicated to assisting voters to find the polling site, one at each entrance. We have had many complaints from <br />the voters regarding this location since the construction. We have requested a guaranteed location on the main <br />level, but the church was unable to guarantee such arrangement. They organize the groups using their facility as <br />they see best A replacement site has been found, and that is across the Hamline/36West bound ramp at St. <br />F <br />�'hri�i�h�r'� Episcopal Church, 2300 N. Hamline Avenue. They also were very excited and willing to serve as <br />a polling location into the future. This site offers everything that a polling location nceds: Handicapped <br />parking, a short distance for the voter to travel once in the building, and a large room for the accommodation of <br />lines. Patty Hoag and the Head Judge for Precinct #7 toured the St. Christopher's Episcopal Church and <br />determined that this site would well serve the needs of Precinct #7. <br />Communication <br />The following public information efforts will be undertaken if the Council approves the change in location. <br />. A notice will be put in the August Wrap. <br />. The change will be broadcast with the News Fax. <br />. We will put the information on the Channel 16 Bulletin Board. <br />