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City of Roseville — 2005 Budget <br />Department/ Program: Legal <br />Organizational ResQonsibility: City Manager <br />Department Description <br />The Legal Department guides the City's decision-malcing with the best possible legal counsel to both the <br />City Council and Staf£ The Department's activities are accounted for in the General Fund. <br />2005 Goals and Objectives <br />� Continue providing timely and thorough legal advice to the City Council and Staff. <br />�� ��3 �Od �� � �■cr�� �. li�r. <br />�a��+et ���� �,etu�] Act�il &�d�e� �� � ��ecre��� ��ecr�� <br />Personnel Services - - � - � - $ - 0.0% <br />Supplies & Materials - - - _ - 0.0 % <br />Other Services & Charges 208,55 246,436 252,200 259 670 7,470 3.0 % <br />Capital Outlay - - - _ - 0.0 % <br />Total $208,555 $246,436 $252,200 $ 259,670 � r���� ����'`° <br />� ZDA3 ��# �� <br />H�m�a ke�o+rr�e �il��t�aa �►e�il A�tu�l ��� �� � <br />Full-Time Equivalent Positions - - _ _ <br />2005 Budget Impact Items <br />• Contractual escalation in fees. <br />200312004 Achievements <br />� Sought and obtained legal opinions regarding campaign finance issues and land use moratoria. <br />�� <br />