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�, Insurance. The consultant shall secure and maintain the following <br />minimum insurance: <br />a. Worker's compensation insurance as required by Minnesota law; <br />b. General and Professional Liability Insurance in the amount of at least <br />$500,000 each negligent act, error or omission and $1,000,000 <br />aggregate each insured; <br />c. The insured's policy shall not be cancelled until after 30 days written <br />notice to the City of the insured's intention to cancel this insurance. <br />The consultant shall deposit with the City certificates evidencing that the <br />above insurance is in effect and maintained. <br />Indemnification. The parties shall indemnify and hold harmless each <br />other and their officials, agents and employees from any loss, claim, <br />liability and expense (including reasonable attorney's fees and expenses of <br />litigation) arising out of any action of the respective parties in the <br />performance of the service of this contract. <br />�. Assi�nment. This agreement, being intended to secure licensed electrical <br />inspection services from employees of the consultant, shall not be <br />assigned, sublet or transferred without the written consent of the City. <br />�. Additional Work or Studies. The City Community Development Director <br />may request additional service (not to exceed $1,000) at the same <br />compensation rate shown in Exhibit A. <br />Work on services or reviews (not to exceed $1,000) not related to the <br />project mentioned in Article 1 may also be requested by the Community <br />Development Director at the same compensation rate shown in Exhibit A, <br />provided the cost of such review is covered by proj ect application fees or <br />is itemized in the City Community Development Department approved <br />budget. <br />Additional work on services or reviews, which exceed $1,000, must be <br />submitted to the City Manager for approval prior to commencement of <br />work. <br />Conflict of Interest. The consultant agrees to immediately alert the city <br />Community Development Director of possible contractual conflicts of <br />interest in representing the city, as well as property owners or developers <br />on the same proj ect. Conflicts of interest may be grounds for termination <br />of this Agreement as per Article 2. <br />Page2of3 <br />