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EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE <br />CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEVII_,LE <br />Pursuant to due ca11 and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of <br />Roseville, County of Ramsey, Minnesota, was held on the 26* day of July 2004, at 6;30 p.m. <br />The following members were present: <br />and the followingwere absent: <br />Council Member introduced the followingresolution and moved its <br />adoption: <br />RESOLUTION NO. <br />ARESOLUTION APPROVINGAN INTERIM USE PERMIT (EXPANSION� <br />RENEWAL) FORFAMILY ACADEMY CHARTERSCHOOL, <br />3000 HAMLYNE AVENUE (PF3584). <br />WHEREAS, Family Academy Charter School has requested an EXPANSION and <br />RENEWAL, of their existing interim use permits; and <br />WHEREAS, the request seeks to add and additional6 classroom modular unit for a <br />period of one year and renew the existing office unit and four classroom unit on the premises for <br />the same; and <br />WHEREAS, Family Academy and Advent Lutheran Church are located at 3000 Hamilne <br />Avenue and legally described at as: <br />The westfour hundred thirty-eight (W. 438)feet of GovernmentLot three (3) except the South <br />one thousand {S. 1000)feet thereof, Section three (3), Township twenty nine (29) North, Range <br />twenty-three (23) West, lying South of the North boundary ofJosephine Road (PID # <br />032923130077). <br />WHEREAS, Section 1012,09A and B stipulated the requirements necessary to obtain an <br />interim use permit; and <br />WHEREAS, Family Academy proposes to install an 82 foot by 56 foot (4,592 sq. ft.) <br />temporary modular facility for use as six additional classrooms space in the area south of the east <br />side parking lot; and <br />WHEREAS, the Roseville Planning Commission held a public hearing regarding the <br />EXl'ANDED & RENEWED interim use permit request of Family Academy and voted (6-0) to <br />recommend approval of the request, based on the comments in Section 5, the findings in Section <br />6, and the conditions of Section 7 of the project report dated July 7,2004. <br />NOW THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, by the Roseville City Council, to grant Family <br />Academy an EXl'ANDED & RENEWED INTERIM USE PERMIT consistentwith Section <br />1012.09 A and B of the Roseville City Code based on the findings in Section 6 of the proj ect <br />report dated July 26,2004, and the following conditions: <br />