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REQUEST FOR CTTY COUNCIL ACTION <br />DATE: 07/26/04 <br />ITEM NO: -� e <br />Department Approval C�r Manager Approval �enda Section <br />DPW ��� ��� Consent <br />Item Description: Request by Richard Simpson, dba Simpson's Auto Sa1es, and property <br />owner Roseville Properties, for a INTERIlVI USE PERMIT to a11ow <br />limited leasing, �l, and sales of vehicles for up to 3 years at 2660 <br />Cleveland Avenue (PF3580). <br />1.0 REQUESTED ACTION: <br />1.1 Mr. Richard Simpson, dba Simpson's Auto Sales, seeks approval of an 1NTERINI USE <br />PERMIT in accordance with Section 1012.09 of the Roseville City Code to a11ow vehicle <br />rental, leasing, and sales at 2660 Cleveland Avenue for a period of up to 3 years. <br />P ROJ E CT` REVIEW HISTORY <br />■ Application Received - May 29,2004. <br />■ 60 Day Review Deadline — July 29,2004 <br />■ Project Report Recommendation—Approval w/Conditions 07/07/04. <br />■ Planning Commission Action: Approval (6-0) Recommendationw/Conditions on <br />July 7,2004. <br />■ City Council Action — 07/26/04 <br />2.0 SUMMARY of RECOMN�NDATION: <br />2.1 At their meeting on July 7,2004, the ROSEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION <br />recommended approval of a 3 year INTERIM USE PERNIIT for Richard Simpson dba <br />Simpson Auto, and property owner Roseville Properties, to allow limited leasing, rental, <br />and sales of vehicles for up to 3 years at 2660 Cleveland Avenue, subj ect to conditions. <br />The Community Development Department supports this recommendation. <br />3.0 SUGGESTED CITY COUNCIL ACTION: <br />3.1 ADOPT a RESOLUTIONAPPROVING the INTERIM USE PERMIT w/conditions <br />(see Sections 6 for conditions and Section 8 for detailed action). <br />PF3580 RCA 072604Page 1 of4 <br />