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I�. F`ubtir F��iJ�ir�gs, �#ru�t� r�s, Iropr��er����s <br />There i5 � d,e��t� C� 5e�e �dt[liandl ��cCi5et5h�� ��X4�en ��1� {'i[}�, �aJi@e� l�uther$n �F��r�F� ��� �h� <br />�rntiar3�� t� pro��ide mccting ar�d re�re�ti�n sp�acc f�r �h� canim��i��. �'urre�,tl�r ihcre �rt r,�, <br />pr��ramm�d re�r��tiun feld �an1�s �ll Cl�e Ae�nr�r si1�. <br />The �drl�ti �nd R��r�ati�rn S}�ti4c�» �I�ut iti �1 �F [#�� �oirtpr�ltcr�siv� �'iuid� �l� Ch�c �uides Clrc <br />de�el��mer�� �� ihe �ark �rid �ere�ti�n �}�st� m in alt� �i i��t l�o�eu ille. Farl€ and R,rxr�atian <br />�ui�elines ha�+e been d�v+e3crp�d in �hi� pl� «� jm,�id� d�ra.rtte�uoc]€ for d�cisi�na �y c�ly <br />�fti�ials. <br />�r�rl � Icx �Eed, �irk �nr! �,pcn yp�r ]arr�� �ar� �onlr�l fl� i n�. �ielp �� p��c�+� [� �u.�Jii}+ �� <br />t}�� �urf�c� ur�i�r, t��l�r,is3� the �to�r� ar��e� s�a}�rl�, rcduc� air �tl�Ei�� �rid �re��r++� n$lural <br />r��o�ur�e�, f'�rk� �Lso �erw� a� �,atF�erir,� ce�s�fs f� �r�i�ve and pa��iwe usc. Pe�+ri��r,g � f��.� �n <br />m��r nc i gF�l�rh;xxl4, T#��� ��n bc u�d c Fr'c�ti �el�+ t� mai ntai� �"h+� Ffcr" I,�sw��r, c�,r� tl i��en� <br />la�id ��es �nrJ �� h�eou�i f� �hc. c�arnr�sr�r�ii� F�� ] ir�k�ng �i � i� F� �1 i t�e� 3u�.ls �.s �rl��ls and p�rk�. <br />Twck ��� ck� [�v�u i Ml� parks �oul� b� c�nsid� t�ar tlre Armor} �p�n �pac� �r��w- <br />P�a� L�I� ( F��.? <br />P€�� t�[� �rr srr�al] p-.irk� int�er�l�r� f�r infr�r��� ��r��lit�n,�E�� �rid reLaac�tion_ <br />N�i�hborho�d 1'erF€s �NF� <br />Veiph#�rkt�i pal'ks �ffer �pp❑r�vni�irs f�r � wari�i� �f r�rrrta�ti�nal �c#i�rit�es, <br />b�}Lh {�r�ni�d and inf�el�la�- <br />Whil� ��ae P�ric � I���rca�i�n Plan dr�� ��r���m sla��mcnk w�r� �riginalLy ����lr�ped ir, L99�5 arid <br />re�i�d ir, �fi[?l, ��}� �rr�urr�r�s ar�d��i�v4rod �ri�a�di�aJl�r. Th� �I�n G4 �urm�ll}� re�rie+.w�ed �d <br />�u i�d d� Je��� � wer�r f�r� }+�ars- P��r 1�# �f thc ��t� �}f F���c ti� i t]� P�rk ��rx�� R� PL� re��tttrrend� <br />dn�� lhe �'ii�r �Eu�ul�, �[ IJtie 1+1��'�C�r1� I�ke N��i�n:�L �iti;�r�i .�rnM�[�+. x�uir� �I�e ]artd nortt� �f <br />�he br�iL��ngs.:cn�1 sh�ov[d �++iew a p���ble �gro�rrreos in �oer,ti�EO����, <br />1�. �r��j���e+� Timing ��� ��� �f 1���������nt <br />�C� ��cplair� th� recarnrr�r�d�d Futur� u��s �n �h� �t��r �a� sRsff ��li� �h� ar�a �n�t� thr� �L��� �� <br />�,evel�men[_ �hase j �it� Il ��a�ld h��p�r, xi�nul [a�ie[xu�ly �ti p�zxpert}+ owr��r� �Cf�ptal. �ttr�r�� <br />ar� arsxi�us l� r�d�r+eJ�p r�ieir �i«s arrd th�.re is � r�d io r�r��v�� r�si�eiial pat�pert��s witlun <br />tF� stud� ar�a. PC�e Lli is lor�g ue rm �!� I,� �� �ars� arkd inc I�es tf�e c�rnplet� r�d�+�elopmcnl <br />�F �h� apa�trncn� ��il�i�g� �r►� �u�inesa ��,r,� Rioe Str�eet. <br />l�.i ��se 1 �ev�loprner�t - �-5 �e�r �I�n <br />T#�� phase I ar�a �� a S�1aJ �C;,ppr��imat�l� L4 �r�� ar�d incLud�� kh� [�� N, M�'�rx�}�� -�upri! <br />�i[e, �k�r �.� d�re ArRw�r� �i�r and �he 2_� �rr�e �'hur��, �i�e_ �I�f�r t� ��Jxcn{i�x �.I. an� �,�. f�r <br />f x;�i ��t� Aeri �� �'�,r���ut �l�p� �f tk� Ph��� f�rca ], �F�a� 1 of Rh� Pl�� i� �h� h i�h��t �e��rit+� <br />F�naJ Vtrxi�w� I � luly ��, �OD� <br />