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� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />LYtr�c� af Dr��t Mirrut�s, Rl�anio� �ommissloa Me�tl� oF,�ul�r �, ��O�f: <br />�. Pl�an�o�Fi�� ����R Re�u�t �}� �litv �f F�osevill� f�r zd�pttnn �f the <br />[V�rth �'E���rr�na L�ke �:�mpreh�nsf�re p3�o 9�d�. <br />�h�ir h+E�l�er �pe�,ed �h� h��i-in� an�i rc�ucst�d C�mm�ni� D�cE�mvn[ I�Er��tt�r <br />��l�ch �� �srn� ih� wsrbal �ummary of r�c st�f�'r��or� �at�d auly �, ���1�. <br />� The �Ei� ��i R�s,�v�f �� �rr� i�s �iRA C�ave ra�u�st�d �ppr��ral �f a �a�nprGk��n�i�� lra�d <br />I� Us� Pl�n Amcr�rn�nt f�r r�i� �p�r��ire�at�l}� ] 3� a�r� A�le�$rmr�� �1�GgC�f�rhv�d �f�s't�r <br />I I F"Ma� �r�a <br />I� <br />I� ��h� f�l��x{r �L�r� pr��c��s n�vw ttou�in� �nits t� be d��+�L�ped 3nd��r �e�3o�r�#r.d �n �11 <br />] 4 phases_ La a�d�it�o�, th� �kar� inclu�c� tk�e �p��etu�i#y tv provadc n�+� and raE r�+����t�d <br />1� ru�ighhork�o�r� rct�a L, ��w h��SGflg ���f�r �ffi�� �p� in ih� �� �l�n � L4ice ��ee�_ <br />I� I�C�'fiL��If]Cf1k �f��5 �i� �85C� P�fl ��[�Ck��� 5�'I�1� � Ic��� r�n� ��'�L�p�ent <br />]� �im�fi�rnc�_ �urren�L}� ��� �rt I 0 I epa�tm�r�i wiits, 36,5�� squa,re ���t of ret�i] �pace <br />L� and �4Ffi'�� syua,-e f��t r�f ufficr spd�e in r,�e sru��r ai-�a +��l�in d�e d�vcl�prner�t arc�s, <br />l9 Th�s plari �uEd add 3� �0 5� hou�ie�g units in � first ��as�c of d�rrclopm�t. <br />�0 <br />2L <br />�� <br />�3 <br />�� <br />�5 <br />�� <br />�� <br />�S <br />�� <br />3� <br />�] <br />3� <br />:�� <br />3� <br />�� <br />36 <br />�7 <br />3�S <br />�� <br />�U <br />41 <br />�� <br />�3 <br />�� <br />�5 <br />�� <br />Th� redev�lapment �f tt�� sit� at i 65 [�or�h �I��arr��ss �ivd ��upkil. P��P��Y� a� high <br />�or55��}' r�si�[rCr�l �a�g wjt� rnn� r�ficirnl anr� effecti�+o v�� �f [�� Arm[.w� �st7d �hur�h <br />si��� r,�,�ug� �r,�re�$�� pattr�rships are ��r�sidrere� ��e th� h��t�esC pri�rit3+ o� �c <br />�r,tpLement�e� in lh� n�xt �-5 �ars a� Ph�s�e �. Ag an attar,ati�c to �i� d�sit� ho��ir�g� <br />�t i� �ssi�l� th�t t�e �rrr��r}� �ndf�r th� �hufch �nuld prop�se a us� on t�e �'rupt�l site <br />�}��� w��� w��lt�c�e ���,r�.d �hur�k�, �hurc�i l�u�irt�, a�p�ciaMi��d schoal, �r �ther s�r�ic� <br />n�d�- ��af��a� in����i�ated �v��a] o�ta��� f�r sii� dev�l�irt�e�tt �s �rt �f Ph�Se I_ <br />�ouy� sl�e of �te: 3� -�� units �� s�r�ior apartme�tsa cooper$ti+��� or �ondo o� l��F� <br />st�ry town[�orrres. St�fF is re�rttrn�n� and t�� �I�ighbo�ia�d T�i� Fonc r�cxusur� �4��t <br />the �iu�ti� �roperly rtok be �e�6op�d f�r a f�va' 9ar� singl� t�mil}� �e�a�had housin� <br />ur,i�, TFtiS wn��ld n�xt hr �he m��t �i'r��ltue �� �f [he s�t�_ 'Che [�i�er �e[l�iC� op[i�[� <br />�rra�r��� ��r� re�urn f�}r the pr�per� own�r and c�ul� se,rve �a �rride an al�rnate <br />ho�smg �pti�n for ��nEOr� c�rr�rtk�y 1 i uing ir� nr�rhy �in�L� �at�il y��us whtcb c�uL� <br />��en� �vai la�l� f�r rr� f�m� I ��, <br />N�t-L� �ld� �� �i[�; A�[i[�3um �f Ca 1�� ��'�l� f�� ��Ce �rnhn��4 0� � s�n�91 ��i si��� <br />f�mil�+ h�rn�. E�h �pti�n �vi��fi n�w �wrti�rs�ip �prpo�Curr�#ies for �rflpt�}� ��[e�s, <br />�"�run� gr�f�ssiur��l a�d y�w,g f�nili�s, <br />Tb� P�ase l� �P�s�aL� p��,p�i�ra� r,� ��;upuL si� is ��-I� �e�r �1an �nd irr�aud�s �� <br />ir,��+�n�nt ��t,h,c n�eb� muMli f�re�ily �mpl���� �ang �ir�gl� ��miLy r�sidentEa] <br />impr��cm�n��, �nd ih� m� �mpl�Ce red���C�prne�t �� th� Arinosy s�t�. <br />TLtiG F�$�� Ili �r�p�s�J, r1�e Rice Street c�mrrier�cial �rea �s � t� t,� �� ycar p Iarr, <br />B.e�a,�se t[�� proje�t is m�rke�•�asad vri#h �+r��opm�nC �y thc privatc s�ect��. Ch� �rha�e� <br />