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�. ���kg��►� <br />How �id t.troc �tud� �r�a b�e�rr�e an is�v�? <br />The !�l���rrc�n.� N�ighb�rhu�d �[udy Ar�a bc�a�n� a�n Es�uc b+��au�� thc ho�sc lo�a��d �I IA� N_ <br />M���rr�n� H I��� h,�d h�e�rr,c �+�ant a�d ttrG �� +�+� nQ[ b�in� maint�.ir�d �� $���n�[�d kh�i �+� <br />oc�upi€�d home mi�ht be, �n � r�rec �., �{�03. the �ity �� l�a�sevil]e �odes staff asked For �'it3� <br />��une�� dir�ction re�afdin� this �o�e �ampl�ance ea�e a� 1�5 N_ �1cC.�rrons �I+rd_ 71ic p�o�n�r <br />r� ��rrre� b�r ��l, �a�J hou�ir�� �e+r�eloper narned �r�r,i� �uptiE_ Th�. Cour�eEl asl€e�d ih�[ IFu� ���c <br />he re+�i�wc�.L h� 1Ltie HRA a4 ��x�n �ti p���b�� t4 r��'i�++� g���ba� 4pti�n� �4r redcYel�iprly�.ii# �f th� <br />�a��nl h+�u�ing ���� pEi�r to ��nsiderir,g i}i� p�rs,�it of �ourt �i�rti�r�s_ The �pe�tfic �R�ms �� <br />�un��rn iriclUdc�d: <br />�[�a I apidut�d �xi �tin8 �ar�� �u��h �n fu r�ti�n i r�� �EF p�lin� pai�lF b� r�pai r <br />i�f�-�i w��h gr��� ii,r in �x��a; �f th� � ir�ch�� maac�m�rr� allow� and �*�rgr�v�r� <br />shrubber�- <br />� C�b�ria in th� y�rd, <br />s f�i I dp�d�c��d va�ar�� hv�a�c wi th pe�l�r�� p�int, t'aJ l�r, rsin ��l�r� $n� br�]€.�� urinrd�wa. <br />S ub,��r,�r��l�r, �Lr. �up� i I vw��k�d �+if� tf�� �:it� �ad�� �taff �d arddr��ed �L] i�su�d ��c�pt t'�r <br />thc c�diti�n �f �he g�rag�. Ho���r, �3]� w��l �x�rrK and l�a� �x�n[inu� l�� �r1�i�,�ilL}� �� <br />�h� n�i�h}x�rF��xi a�d r�dG}�� I�prncnt � s�a � possibJe is �r,c�ura�ed. <br />ln Jurte �f �0�� i]s� R{x�vil Ic HRA �i�c��c� thc ait� a� it� i�sues with �lr, �r�pd�. }�t thax t�rr� <br />tu� �xp��� ir���r�� in ��uclopin� �he �it� ar�� was +�illin� to re.wi�w pcyssi�le �ptians +�ith �he <br />I IR�►. �h� kIRA a���d hir� a� �r�rGr with �iI�A �t�f��,d �� �ri�� ��V� a t�rrr�9in� �nd ���� f�r <br />��Ir,�,mcn� crF �h� si4c wathin � �.a3�s, <br />Mr Cruptil ha5 idcati�i�d rr�7cti� �r�ur�t[i��c ��rr re�tie ��f tEre si�� su�h ���s�+�n h;}rsresF <br />��an�c�rrrir�i ums �r�i �� R4r r�nR$1 h�usi n�, F��+�v�, �h�r� ��v�taL f��r� �t r��d t� � <br />��r�i�r�d priar �� �crr�srniitir�� ��i �h� r���l�apmcr�[ of �h� sit�, �'hv�e �a�ctars in�ludc ��� I�s <br />t�rtair,, v��#I:�„d, s�trrx�undi�,g l�n� u�c� and ruarla�t t'ar new h�usir�g_ 2�Lr. �uplil ha,d m,et �uilh <br />�i�}� �taff ih �0�1 far �le,�e�capr��nt �tthc �ile as t��n hvr�es_ �i�wewer, ttre de�s���+ nc�cd�d �� <br />�.���ni��l�� r�s�k� �3t� prx�j�c� fea�a�l� d�� r�o# accoaant E�r ��e�rnmodatin� 1�ic �x��Ring w��tar�d <br />�n �i�. �han�e� t� the. w�t�altd sh�� �n�Ur�r �i� wQUld b� n�cdod, �� funh�f w�rk wish �he <br />�`apit❑� i��gi�,n �a��r�hc� w��Gld bc aec����r}�- <br />TL,r��h a s�ri�x �,f �,ul,k�� rnc�tin�� w�t� tFr� �ity �'��n,�il� �l�r�ing ���rt�t�i��i��, ��ghb�rh�d <br />r�sid�nt�F pr�p+erty �wn�r�. f.ti�h-b�d �r�,u�,�nd edu��tiam ����t�e�, �1a�i�n�M C.�uard, �k�rcC�per� <br />�n� ��ari��t� �#a�f rr�r��r�. a PLan ��auld hc crsaro�i k#aa� urouL� pE��i�e f]c�ib]c lan� u� <br />FrrxEdur�� to �uid� dc,�cic,pm�nt and r�cd��loprruent in �h� f��ur�. Th� L'vl�'�rr�us <br />1�cighborhaad }��sa�iati�r� w� i�,��ited �c, �,arl��ipa1� ir� this �jecl pLan r��^icw d�ana� thc fall Qf <br />?�Q� s�u�1�� R lu n�t�hb�{h�d I�k f��{ c n�rmhrrs were i�pti ��cd t� work s1� raaagh � hc pr�cr�s <br />�ri[� [he �'_il� ���,�. <br />�ina�! ��r�iora � Jul�+ �6, � <br />