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Page 2 <br />The Economic Impact of the New York State Smoking Ban on New York's Bars <br />L Executive Summary <br />Since its passage in July 2003, a significant amount of anecdotal evidence has suggested <br />that New York's statewide smoking ban has negatively affected bars, clubs and taverns <br />across New York State. Countless media accounts have described a dramatic drop in <br />customers for bars throughoutthe state, as well as a steep decline in bar revenue and <br />significant j ob losses. <br />To date, the only statistical evidence put forth to gauge the ban's economic impact has <br />analyzed the combined revenue and j ob totals from both restaurant and bar industries. <br />The following economic study is the first detailed economic analysis focused exclusively <br />on the economic effects of the state smoking ban on New York State's bars. This report <br />measures the direct and indirect economic impact of the New York smoking ban on bars, <br />taverns and clubs*. <br />The major fmdings are tl� the passage of the state smokingban in 2003 has directly <br />resulted in a dramatic loss in revenue and jobs in New York's bars, taverns and clubs. <br />Specifically, the following statewide economic losses have occurred in New York's bar <br />and tavern industry as a direct result of the statewide smoking ban: <br />. 2,000 jobs (10.7%of actual employment) <br />.$28.5 million in wages and salary payments <br />.$37 million in gross state product <br />In addition, there are indirect losses to other businesses which supply and service the <br />State's bars and taverns: <br />• SSOjobs <br />. $21.5 million in labor earnings <br />.$34.5 million in gross state product <br />In summary, the enactment of the New York State smoking ban has had a dramatic <br />negative impact on the bar and tavern business and related businesses. The total <br />economic impact is: <br />• 2650jobs <br />. $50 million in worker earnings <br />.$71.5 million in gross state product (output) <br />'This analysis, defrnes bars, taverns and clubs using the following Narlh Am� icmz Induslry �imy �a � S�s1em <br />(N.lICS) definition: "This industry comprises establishmen&sknown as bars, taverns, nightclubs, or drinking pktces <br />���� engaged �c preparingand servingalcoholicbeverogesfor immediate consumption.These establishmen&smay <br />aLso provide &mited food services. " <br />