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I flow in adjacent residential areas; 2) The project will comply with the city <br />� shoreland ordinance, Chapter 1016, or specify any deviations from said ordinance <br />; for approval by the City Council; 3) The project will be constructed in such a way <br />4 that it is consistent with LEED design standards as discussed in the September 27, <br />5 2004 memorandum submitted to the city by the Master Developer . Final approval <br />da by the City Council will be considered after all conditions and required <br />? documents and permits have been submitted for final approval. Final approvals <br />B <br />9 <br />1� <br />li <br />I� <br />I� <br />are considered a separate application process. <br />Ayes: 5 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Motion carried. <br />(The � phase development, further to the east, is to be reviewed by staff and the <br />Planning Commission at subsequent public hearings prior to issuance of permits.) <br />I� Motion: Chair Mulder moved, seconded by Member Bakeman, to affirm that the <br />�I 5 Twin Lakes Master Site Plan, as prepared by the Twin Lakes Master Developer, <br />1 C� Rottlund Homes for the October 14,2004 Planning Commission meeting, does <br />I' not exceed the adopted approved 2001 AUAR maximumthresholds. <br />1 �i <br />1�' <br />�� <br />�� <br />�3 <br />�� <br />�r� <br />�� <br />�� <br />3l <br />32 <br />�3 <br />3� <br />�� <br />�� <br />3� <br />3� <br />�� <br />�I <br />�? <br />�3 <br />4� <br />�� <br />Ayes: 5 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Motion carried. <br />The Planning Commission instructed Duane Schwartz to review the proposal with the <br />Transportation Committee and return to the Planning Commission meeting in November <br />or December. <br />6. Planning Commission Minutes <br />r� <br />8. <br />G <br />Motion: Chair Mulder moved, seconded by Member Boerigter, and without <br />objection, to approve the Planning Commission minutes of June 2,2004. <br />Ayes: 5 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Motion carried. <br />Member poherty asked for details of longer range planning list and suggested <br />establishment of top five planning issues. <br />Chair Mulder asked for Lonnie Brokke, Duane Schwartz and Cathy Bennett to <br />attend a futuze Planning Commission meeting. He asked what is/how is senior <br />linkage program working. He also asked for review of John Carpenter's work <br />done for Stakeholders and study of where Roseville works. <br />Chair Mulder thanked the Planning Commission members. <br />The meeting adjourned at 11:52 p.m. <br />Page 12 of 12 <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />