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One developer(Roseville Properties Dan Commers) owns about 17 acres on tt� <br />--^r southwest corner. According to staff report item 5.5, 14 of those acres were purchased by <br />him m 2002 (the Indianhead site). So the current breakdown of ownership is as follows: <br />Owned by one developer (RV. Prop) 17 acres <br />Options to purchase (Rattlund-PIK site) 28 acres <br />No option agreements or ownership 3� acres <br />Total acres 80 acres <br />Accordingly, the developers only own 17 out of 80 acres, and can wallc away. If they <br />wallc away, you are 1eft with a B6 zone without a planned unit development, and the <br />zoning cannot be implemented. <br />CONCLUSION <br />A BIG BOX RETAIL IS AN INCONSTENT USE WTI�III�T A BUSINESS <br />PARK. IT IS NOT THERE TO SUPPORT THE BUSINESS PARK. IT IS THERE TO <br />DRAW FROM LARGE AREA AND CREATE CUSTOMERS FOR TI� OTI�R <br />T,ARGE AMOUNT OF STRIP MALLS AND RESTAURANTS NOW PLANNED. <br />THAT STRATEGY ALSO MAKES TI� BALANCE OF TI� RETAII, PORTION <br />ILLIGITIMATE, AS THEY ARE NOW DEPENDENT ON OUTSIDE CUSTOMERS, <br />NOT JUST THE BUSINESS PARK RESIDENTS. TI�SE ARE NO LONGER <br />SERVICES THAT SUPPORT ONLY THE BUSINESS PARK. IT IS JUST ANOTHER <br />REGIONAL SHOPPING MALL, INZ�NDID TO DRAW CUSTOMERS FROM <br />MII,ES AROUND. <br />REZONING TO A B6 ( FROM WHAT IS NOW INDUSTRIAL OR B4 USE) <br />MUST HAVE 'TI� CONCURRENCE OF TI� LAND OWNERS, AND 'I'FI�II2 <br />RESONING MUST BE DEFERRED L]L�TIL SUCH TIME AS TI� DEVELOPERS <br />OWN THE LAND, AND HAVE SIGNED A COMPLETED DEVELOPMENT <br />AGREEMENT. TO DO OTI�RWISE WILL RESULT IN UNNECESSARY <br />LAWSUITS AND EXPENSE TO TI� CITY AND TAXPAYERS. <br />SINCE NO PLANNED UlVIT DEVELOPMENT HAS BEEN COMPLETED, AS <br />REQUIRED TO HAVE A LEGITIMATE B6 ZONE, TI IE RE-ZONING IS <br />PREMATURE IN ANY CASE. I ALSO BELIEVE THIS IS NOT A BUSINESS PARK <br />AS ENVISINED IN TI� COMPREHENSIVEPLAN, OR IN TI� B6 ZONING CODE. <br />