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APPENDIX E: HRA ADOPED POLICY STATEMENTS & POTENTiAi, <br />ACTION STEPS FOR FUTURE IMPLEMENTATION BASED UPON ANNUAL <br />EVALUATION WITH BUDGET RESOURCES <br />Policy Statement: Provide more opportunities for Roseville renters to own <br />homes in Roseville, should they decide to move from their rental housing. <br />a. Study Findings - The Study indicates that there is a young family <br />population within rental multi family housing and that when they move to <br />ownership housing they tend to move out of Roseville. The reasons for <br />this are speculative but housing elsewhere is available immediately and is <br />less expensive. In addition, even though Roseville's home ownership rate <br />(68%)is higher than the national average, it is below the average of the <br />state and metropolitan region. A goal of the City has been to retain a ratio <br />of approximately 70 percent owner occupied units to 30 percent rental <br />units. <br />b. Why is this good policy for the City? Residents are more apt to invest <br />and participate in the city when they have an ownership interest. They <br />have a stake in future value of home and community, so there is desire to <br />keep it up, improve the property, locate a job closer to home, and thus <br />raise the property values and generate taxes. They have more of a"stal{e" <br />in the future of the city, their neighborhood and school district which <br />translates into more volunteering, social engagement, and sense of place in <br />which to raise a family. This stabilizes the school district enrollment as <br />well as city services to help them remain viable Centers of the <br />Community. <br />c. Possible Action Steps — evaluated annually for implementation within <br />budget resources: <br />i. Provide target mailings to the 50%of apartment complexes where <br />there are a high percentage of younger renters, marketing <br />homeownership classes and first time buyer programs. <br />ii. Through quarterly meetings, newsletters, and seminars, partner <br />with Realtors and Bankers to target first time buying opportunities <br />to these complexes. <br />���. Evaluate the pros and cons as well as issues associatedwith the <br />conversion of rental apartments into ownership condominiums. <br />Identify which complexes might be good candidates for affordable <br />conversion to increase home ownership or opportunities for current <br />owners to "downsize" their housing stock. <br />iv. Market the value of buving within Roseville and identifv the <br />tradeoffs of living within a first ring suburb. An examale mav <br />be that vou mav not �et a lar�e house with a lar�e vard but vou <br />ROSEVILLE MULTIF'AMILY HOUSING REPORT - DRAFT 10/19/04 Page 23 <br />