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��. Encourage renovation that combines units to increase bedroom <br />size. <br />iii. Work more closely with the two school districts on annual <br />school enrollment estimates for better planning to know how many <br />children are coming into the school districts. <br />iv. Provide access to resources to encourage renters to stav within <br />the communitv (either as a renter or ownerl so there is stabilitv <br />tor �o�le wilh �'��uh� f$rni�i� with ehildr�. <br />3. Policy Statement: All types of Multi-Family Housing are important to the <br />community and need to be preserved with a full spectrum of multifamily <br />maintenance programs to increase the value, quality and livability of the <br />multifamily housing stock. <br />�. Study Findings: The study indicates that the multi-family housing stock <br />(the actual bricks and mortar) in both rental and ownership proj ects is <br />aging and reinvestment is critical. Through 2003, fewer than 350 new <br />units of rental apartment have been built since 1990 and the maj ority of <br />the rental units are 40 years or more years old. Critical improvements will <br />become necessary such as windows, roof, heating and air handling <br />systems, energy conservation and electrical services and accessibility. <br />�. Why is this good public policy? There are approximately9,000 <br />Roseville residents who live in some type of multifamily housing and over <br />70% of them pay rent. These residents are an important strand of the <br />community fabric. Helping to ensure that they live in quality, stable <br />housing reduces social problems that impact neighbors and increase the <br />demands on life-safety, school and social services. In addition, it is <br />critical to maintain this aging (and yet affordable) housing stock to ensure <br />that property values keep current with the surrounding communities and <br />inflationary indexes. Once the value of housing begins to decline the <br />impact on the community will increase services, complaints and crime. <br />�, Possible Action Steps: - evaluated annually for implementation within <br />budget resources <br />i. Explore how other communities and HRAs have implemented a <br />Housing Maintenance Code and Rental Licensing Program, to be <br />considered as part of the 2006 Budget cycle. <br />ii. Identify more thoroughly the multi family complexes with <br />deferred maintenance issues and where renovation permits have <br />not been issues in over 10 years. Target these complexes by <br />hosting HRA meetings with the owners and managers. Discuss the <br />ROSEVILLE MULTIFAMILY HOUSING REPORT - DRAFT 1�19/04 Page 25 <br />