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Roseville City Council <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />IT. Survey Results <br />uestion 1: Ouestion 2: uestion 3: uestion 4: uestion 5: <br />Commission Term Length 'Term Limits Reappointment Environ- <br />Size Process mental Re- <br />view by PWT? <br />11 believe 9 believe their 7"Yes, two 11 l�b reap- 2 Yes <br />their Com- Term Length terms" pointment in- Rossini <br />mission Size is "About Bakeman terview Wilke <br />is "About Right" Doherty Bakeman <br />Right" Bakeman Jacobson Doherty <br />Bakeman Doherty Kamrath Jacobson <br />Doherty Jacobson Rossini Kamrath <br />Jacobson Kruzel Traynor Kruzel <br />Kamrath McKenzie Voeller Lenz <br />Kruzel Traynor McKenzie <br />Lenz Voeller 3"Maybe, if Mulder <br />McKenzie Wilke � 2 terms" Rossini <br />Mulder Yost Lenz Traynor <br />Traynor McKenzie Wilke <br />Wilke 3 "Too Long" Wilke <br />Yost Lenz <br />Kamrath 1 Conduct re- <br />1 believes his Mulder 3 believe appointment <br />commission is there should interviews <br />"Too Large" 1 l�b Re- be no term Yost <br />Voeller sponse to this limits <br />Question Kruzel <br />1 l�b Re- Rossini Mulder 1 No Response <br />sponse to this Yost to this Ques- <br />Question tion <br />Rossini Voeller <br />III, Council Direction <br />In light of this input, is there anything Council wants staff to do regarding the <br />size, term length, term limits, reappointment process, or environmental focus <br />of your citizen advisory commissions? <br />