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2.5 City staff prepared a marked-up copy of the HRP Guidelines for review by the Council at the <br />work session on March 27 and has made additional amendments based upon Council's <br />direction. <br />3.0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />City staff is recommending that the reuse of the lots purchased under the HRP be consistent <br />with the Comprehensive Plan designation. Tying the HRP to the Comprehensive Plan <br />designation will allow more flexibility than just single family redevelopment. In addition, <br />City Staff is recommending that the demolition loan be restructured as a stand alone loan <br />program originated and administered by the HousingResource Center. <br />3.O SUGGESTED COUNCIL ACTION <br />By motion, approve amendments to the Roseville Housing Replacement Program to <br />accommodate residential uses based upon the Comprehensive Plan and to allow the Roseville <br />demolition loan program to be administered by the HousingResource Center per the 2000 <br />Housing Policy. <br />Attachments: Amended Housing Replacement Program (marked up and fmal versions) <br />Report by: Cathy Bennett (490-224 1) <br />Q:�Flousing�Replacement Progamli2CA Hosuing Replacement Revisions (041 000).doc <br />