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City Council Meeting Packets
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Last modified
5/8/2014 3:24:10 PM
Creation date
12/14/2009 1:49:31 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Agenda/Packets
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EARNEST MONEY CONTRACT <br />U-33-05 <br />We, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge receipt from the City of Roseville, a municipal corporation, of the sum <br />of $1 .00, as earnest money on account of the grant by us to the City of Roseville, its successors and assigns, of a <br />perpetual easement for retaining wall and appurtenances over, under, and across the following tract of land in <br />Ramsey County, described as follows: <br />SEE EXHIBTT "A" <br />L The undersigned grant the City of Roseville the right to enter upon the above easement to perform <br />construction work for the above purposed immediately upon execution of this agreement by the grant <br />herein. <br />2. The total price for such easement shah be the sum of $750.00 of which $1 .00 has been paid as aforesaid, <br />and the balance shall be payable as soon as a good and marketable title has been established and an <br />easement in writing tendered. <br />3. We agree to promptly supply the registered property Certificate of Title if the property is Torrens <br />property, showing good title in us, provided, however, the City of Roseville shall pay for any continuance <br />of the registered property report. <br />4. If the premises are encumbered, we agree as part of the above consideration to obtain the consent of the <br />mortgagee or other encumbrancer. <br />5. The easement to be granted shall be prepared by the City of Roseville at its own expense and shall include <br />the perpetual right of said City of Roseville, its successors and assigns, to grade, level, fill, build, maintain <br />and rebuild and appurtenances over and across the strip of land hereinbefore described, together with <br />perpetual easement for ingress and egress. <br />6. If title is not good and cannot be made good within 90 days, or if any encumbrancer shall refuse ar fail to <br />join in said easement, then at the option of the City of Roseville, this agreement shall be null and void and <br />earnest money refunded. <br />7. The City will install six (6) 6 foot evergreen trees along the westerly side of the described tract of land at <br />no cost to the property owner. <br />8. The State will extend the existing chain link fence to a point 6 feet from the corner. The fence will be <br />placed 4 feet behind the back of the relocated retaining wall. New fence material shall match existing <br />material, ar the state will replace all of the chain lii fence on top of the wall with new fence. <br />9. The State will protect the existing deciduous tree in the northwest comer of the lot. The City will <br />guarantee this tree for 5 years after June 1, 2000. If at any point in this five year period this tree dies, the <br />City will remove the tree, and install a 2.5 inch caliper replacement tree. <br />Date �M 2000 <br />Date , 2000 <br />� <br />B Y. <br />' 7 ,n - <br />� �d <br />� <br />'�-�-�i-�� � O� ,�-ri �i <br />Owner <br />City of Roseville, Mayor <br />BY _ <br />City of Roseville, Manager <br />
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