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WHEREAS, the Youngquist's have requested a variance to a11ow construction of a home on <br />a per-existing non-conforming lot or record and a variance to a11ow a 7% increase in the impervious <br />area of a lot located in the Shoreland District; and <br />WHEREAS, the variance will create a structure that is conforming to the Roseville City <br />Code and a11ow Youngquist's to construct their 2,400 square foot (1,484 square foot footprint) home <br />without other special or variance approvals; and <br />WHEREAS, the Roseville Planning Commis:�ion conducted a public hearing on the request <br />on Wednesday, May 10, 2000, and recommended (7-0) approval of the requested variance, subj ect <br />to the following findings and conditions: <br />Findings: <br />L The unique physical features of the property (i.e. shape and size of lot) create a physical <br />hardship. <br />2. The hardship is not the applicant's creation. <br />3. The property cannot be put to a reasonable use if used under the conditions permitted by <br />the ordinance. <br />4. If granted, the variance will not impact the health, safety, or general welfare of the <br />community. <br />Conditions: <br />l. The home to be constructed has a footprint not to exceed 1,500 square feet. <br />2. The impervious surface is not to exceed 32% of the lot size and the applicant sha11 work <br />with staff to attempt to reduce further the impervious surface. <br />WHEREAS, the Roseville City Council received the Planning Commission's <br />recommendation on Monday, May 22, 2000; and <br />WHEREAS, the Roseville City Council made the following findings: <br />1 Section 101 6.22A1 (Non-Conformities) stipulates that non-conformities can continue but are <br />subject to applicable State Statutes and City Ordinance regarding alterations, repair after <br />damage, discontinuance of use, and intensification of use. <br />2 The Shoreland Ordinance requires lots to have a width of 100 feet adjacent a shoreline and <br />is I5, 000 squat'e feet in size. <br />3 The former home, initially constructed in 1910 prior to the establishment of the City of <br />Rcseville, is situated on a lot 40 feet in width and 167 feet in depth, encompassing 6, 690 <br />square feet <br />4 A variance requires the applicant to prove physical hardship and to demonstrate that no <br />practical alternatives exist that would reduce the need for a variance. <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />