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north and directly into storm sewer pipe in Center Pointe Drive. The existing storm <br />sewer eventually ctischacges into a City retention pond adj acent to DNR wetland 62-50. <br />Sanitarv-Sewer/Water Demand <br />S�anitary� sewer has been e�tended to the site from the existing sewer main located in <br />Centre Pointe Drive. <br />Sanitary sewer will be handled by the City of Roseville system. It is estimated that the <br />�ropose�i,improv� will contribute a peak flow of 20 gpm to the sanitary sewer- <br />sy►stam. .� 8 inC� and 10 inch sanit�y sewers exist in Centre Pointe Drive, Lydia <br />Avenue and Cl�!�1� Avenue. These gravity lines flow to a lift station located about <br />6�0� foet t�orth of Lq ��iia Avenue on the west side of Cleveland Avenue. This lift station <br />was upgraded in 1987 to handle all flows from the Centre Pointe development. The <br />s�we�r lines are locatod such that they will handle most or all of the site. All the sewers <br />ultimately reach the trunk sewer line in Iona Lane then onto the Metro Treatment Plant in <br />St. Paul. <br />The Cii of Roseville municipal water supply will be used to provide domestic water <br />supply to the city. Ros�vilie receives its water from the City of St. Paul. Assuming a <br />daily consumption rate of 800 - 1500 gallons per acre per day for commercial uses, total <br />consumption for the site would be 2,376-4,455 gallons per day for the 2.97-acre site. <br />According to the St. Paul Water Utility, the maximum capacity of their water supply <br />facility is 168 million gallons per day and their current average utilization rate is 52 <br />million gallons per day. There is svfficient capacity to accommodate the estimated <br />maximum demand of 4,455 gallons per day for the site. <br />Baaed on the above, �e, believe there is no need to prepare a new RAW. The March 1997 <br />RAW still adequ�teiy analyzes the effects of the proposed development. Please feel free <br />to contact RI.K with any questions pertaining to the above information. <br />Sincerely, <br />RLK-Kuusisto LTD. <br />ry1. <br />Joseph �M. Samuel, P.E. <br />Professional Engineer <br />H:1ADIvIIN-DOCSV�iy Docvmel�ts\99-423-M�Memo to Deanis Welu3�.dx <br />