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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />DATE: 06/ 12/00 <br />ITEM NO: g � 1 <br />Agenda Section: <br />CONTINUED HEARING <br />It�m Description: Lake Ridge parking lot expansion - approval of excavation permit and <br />planting/fence design - 2727 Victoria Street N(PF 3221) <br />Request Summary: Lake Ridge Nursing Home originally (8/11/97) requested approval of an <br />excavation permit to create new parking space along the north side of their building. <br />Excavation would exceed 10 to 12,000 cubic yards, requiring a hearing. A revised site plan for <br />the August 25, 1997 hearing was submitted but later withdrawn to allow time to redesign the <br />site. Lake Ridge submitted a revised plan for the parking lot for Council approval on May 22, <br />2000. The Council continued this item to June 12, 2000, requesting the applicant to work with <br />the adjoining property owners to solve some common concerns regarding screening and tree <br />preservation. Mr. Palmquist reported (06/08/00) that he has been able to reach agreements <br />with the majority of the adjoining property owners and will continue to work on this issue up <br />to the meeting with the Council on June 12, 2000. The Nursing Home will install fencing and <br />large evergreens on selected hillside sites to replace some of the vegetation being removed. The <br />Fire Marshall will continue to work with the Nursing Home to ascertain that the parking lot <br />internal alignment and parking islands do not hinder access by extension ladder trucks and <br />other emergency vehicles. <br />1.0 REQUESTED ACTION <br />1.1 Lake Ridge Nursing Home is requesting approval of an excavation permit to allow the <br />excavation of approximately 13,000 cubic yards of material and approval of a planting and <br />fence design for the expansion of an off-street parking area on the north side of its property. <br />This would provide a total of 123 spaces. <br />2.0 BACKGROUND <br />2.1 Over the past 15 years Lake Ridge Nursing Home has reduced the number of patients from <br />220 to 140. However, because of new State care standards and other internal operations, the <br />Nursing Home has added new nursing, health care, and office staff. There is in need of <br />additional off-street parking and imp -oved emergency vehicle access to the building. Lake <br />Ridge has been working with the City for several years on ways to address the parking on the <br />site. Woodhill Drive was posted as no parking several years ago to address the employee <br />parking concerns of the neighborhood. In addition, Lakeview Avenue is currently <br />experiencing Lake Ridge employee rar pa �king. Lake Ridge also had a cooperative <br />arrangement with MediaOne's predecessors (Meredith Cable) for several years for off-street <br />parking on Meredith's property; however, MediaOne has recently requested Lake Ridge to <br />make alternative arrangements since MediaOne needs the off-street parking spaces for its <br />employees. <br />Lake Ridge PF3221 — RCA(061200) - Page 1 of 3 <br />