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not less than ten feet (10') in width. This protective strip shall contain no structures. shall not <br />be used for parking, off-street loading or storage and shall be landscaped. The landscape <br />treatment shall include a compact screen wall or fence but shall not extend within fifteen feet <br />(15') of the street right of way. The planting or fence design must be approved by the City <br />Council as being in harmony with a residential neighborhood and providing sufficient <br />screening of the commercial area. The hedge or fence shall be no less than six (6) nor more <br />than six and one-half feet (6'/z') in height. " In Lake Ridge's case, the terrain slopes down <br />and away from the neighbors, reducing the impact of a 6 foot fence. The neighbors and the <br />applicant have agreed that an 8 foot fence in most cases will have more of a positive affect as <br />a screen for the parking lot. The staff concurs. <br />3.0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />3.1 Based on the amount of material to be excavated from the site and the size of the parcel, the <br />City Code requires City Council approval of an excavation permit. Staff recommends <br />approval of the plans and issuance of the excavation permit, subject to completion and <br />review of the final landscapeplans; Grass Lake Water Management Organization approval; <br />and emergency access site plan approval. <br />4.0 COUNCIL ACTION SUGGESTED <br />4.1 The Council should open the continued a public hearing for June 12, 2000 and receive new <br />comment from affected property owners. (Note that notice was given to property owners <br />within 350 feet for the May 22, 2000 meeting and continued to June 12, 2000.) <br />4.2 By motion, approve the plans as submitted for permits on June 12, 2000 and authorize the <br />issuance of an excavation permit subject to: completion and review of the final landscape <br />plans by staff; approval by Grass Lake Water Management Organization; and approval of the <br />emergency access traffic plan within the new parking lot configuration by the Fire Marshall. <br />Attachments: -location map/e�sting parking area; site plan; mformation on run-off calculations; engineering staff <br />comments; notice of public hearing; landscape plan; letter from Tom Petersen, Ramsey County Soil and Water <br />Conservation District and photographs of property. <br />Application Submission: May 9, 2000; <br />Decision Deadline: July 9, 2000, unless specifically extended for an additional 60 days by the City Council. <br />Prepared by: Dennis Welsch (490-2232) and Engineering Staff <br />\\Victoria\CommDev�Planning Files\3221_Lakeridge Nursing Home\RCA(061200).doc <br />Lake Ridge PF3221 — RCA(061200) - Page 3 of 3 <br />