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Lake Rid�e Parkin� Lot Expansion A�reement <br />Through discussion with tbe property owners adjacent to the project <br />Lake Ridge agrees to the following: <br />1.) The two mature cottonwood trees on tbe west side of tbe property <br />will not be removed. <br />2.) Cedar Fence wi11 complete property lines of property owners. <br />(property adjacent to Lake Ridge property only.) <br />3.) Noise buffers wi11 he constructed around roof mounted cooling <br />and heating machines. <br />4.) Will work with each individual property owner to transplant <br />appropriate vegetation along borders. <br />5.) Will work to save appropriate mature trees by construction of <br />smaU retaining walls around the individual trees. <br />6.) Will construct an 8 foot fence Vs 6 foot( pending approval of <br />city.) <br />7.) Keep open communications throughout the construction proces� <br />with a commitment to a#�nal product that will meet the �eed� of <br />Lake Ridge as well as the best interest of adjacent property <br />owners. <br />i <br />� . ��� _./ <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />Eaecutive Director <br />Lake Ridge Health Care Center <br />