THIS grant, and amendments and supplements thereto, is behveen the State of Minnesota, acting through its Department of Natural Resources. Division of Fores[rv�
<br />(hereinafter "STATE") and City of Roseville , an independent contractor. not an employee of the State of tit�nne;ota (hereinafter "GRANTEE"),
<br />WHEREAS, the STATE. pursuant to �1inn. Stat. �88 82, the Minnesota releaf program u established in the department of natural resources to encourage, promote, and
<br />fund the planting, maintenance, and improvement of trees in this state; and
<br />WHEREAS, the Commissioner ofNatural Resources has been appropriated funds, as recommended by the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources from the trust
<br />fund and the future resources fund, 1999 Minnesota Laws, Chapter 249, Section 16, for matching grants to local communities to protect native oak forests from oak wilt
<br />and to provide technical assistance and cost sharing with communities for tree planting and community forestry assessments; and
<br />WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Natural Resources, has been appropriated funds, 1999 Minnesota Laws. Chapter 249. Section 5, for grants to local community forest
<br />ecosystem health programs, including insect and disease suppression programs, community-based forest health education programs and other arboricultural treatments; and
<br />WHEREAS, GRANTEE has submitted a Community Tree Plantinq Proqram Application Form application for funding its 1999-2001 Minnesota ReLeaf Fores[ Health
<br />Project (hereinafter referred to as the Project Proposal) has been approved by the STATE; and
<br />WHEREAS, GRANTEE represents that it is duly qualified and willing to pertorm the services set forth herein.
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed:
<br />A. GRANTEE SHALL: Complete the work as outlined by (1) the GRANTEE's Project Proposal , which is attached hereto and incorporated herein, and
<br />(2) the Minnesota ReLeafAppliCation Guidelines as distributed in the 1999-2001 Minnesota ReLeafCommunity Tree Planting, Forest Health, and Tree
<br />Inventory Grant Programs Application Packets, which is incorporated by reference herein. Any changes in the proposed project work must be submitted
<br />in writing and approved by STATE prior to the work proceeding.
<br />B. GRANTEE SHALL: Be responsible for the planning, supervision, and satisfactory completion of work specified in the GRANTEE's approved Project
<br />Proposal and for payment of all monies for work undertaken in accordance with the project.
<br />C. GRANTEE SHALL: Provide the following reports:
<br />Final Project Report upon completion of the project, but no later than June 10. 2001 on a form provided by the STATE. It shall contain
<br />appropriate certification that all completed work Confortns with the specifications contained in the GRANTEE's Project Proposal or as amended
<br />in writing.
<br />D. GRANTEE SHALL: Keep an up-to-date work status record for work undertaken to complete the project.
<br />E. GRANTEE SHALL: Maintain complete, accurate, and separate financial records for all work undertaken, which adequately identify the source and
<br />application of funds provided by this Grant. These records must contain information pertaining to this Grant award and authorizations, obligations,
<br />unobligated balances, assets, liabilities. outlays or expenditures, and income. The records must provide verification of any in-kind contributions counting
<br />toward satisfying a match and show how the value of any third party conV�bution was derived. A written narrative explanation shall describe all variations
<br />from estimated cost.
<br />F. GRANTEE SHALL: Use all grant funds disbursed to it under this Grant exclusively for the work outlined in the Project Proposal. Any plant material
<br />must be certified stock obtained from a nursery stock dealer or grower Certified by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and shall meet American
<br />National Standards Institute standards for nursery stock. In the event that GRANTEE's machinery is used on the project, its allowable cost shall be the
<br />actual cost ofoperating its equipment. No equipment may be purchased with Minnesota ReLeaf funds. For planting grants only, materials and labor for
<br />project maintenance through June 10.2001 may be included in the project budget.
<br />A. CONSIDERATION: Consideration for all services pertormed by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant shall be paid by the STATE as follows:
<br />1. COMPENSATION: Compensation in an amount not to exceed $ 6.565.00 , based on the budget as outlined in attached Project Proposal
<br />2. MATCHING REOUIREMENTS: GRANTEE certifies that the following matching requirement will be met by GRANTEE:
<br />GRANTEE has agreed to provide a local cash or in-kind contribution of at least 50% of the Project Proposal.
<br />3. REIMBURSEMENT: Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses actually and necessarily incurred by GRANTEE in pertormance of
<br />this grant; provided, that GRANTEE shall be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses in the same manner and in no greater amount than
<br />provided in the current "Commissioner's Plan" promulgated by the Commissioner of Employee Relations. GRANTEE shall not be reimbursed
<br />for travel and subsistence expense incurred outside the State of Minnesota unless it has received prior written approval for such out of state travel
<br />from the STATE.
<br />4. REMAINING FUNDS: Those funds not expended, obligated, or encumbered toward the Project Proposal by June 10. 2001 shall be returned
<br />to the STATE for return to the appropriate fund as provided by law.
<br />ADMIN. IOSlgrc.wpd (07-0I-99) Minnesota ReLesf Community Tree Planting, Forest Inventory, & For�st Heslth Grant (DNR/ForaW Contract Number)
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