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a�s �t;ro,�«�.a��,Uz <br />Rusc�'illt. �1n.55113 <br />ti51-484-8153 <br />Jw�e Ol. 2UOt) <br />Mayor John Kysytyczyn <br />2660 Civic Center Drive <br />Roseville, Mn.. 55 113 <br />Dear Mayor and Council Members: <br />1 am writing this letter to you in regards to the Highway 36/Dale Street Project. I reside at 473 Minnesota <br />Avenue, where the street was redesigned, during this construction project, in order that the slippage ramp could be <br />closed The design of this street has made this a very hazardous comer where Minnesota turns into Lovel l Avenue. <br />I have spoken with Karl Keel on at least four occasions and finally with my encouragement got him to <br />come out and actuaily view the problem. A townhouse neighbor was also present at this meeting, and discussed <br />the exact same concerns I have been trying to get across to Karl Keel without much success. I have also spoken <br />with Tom Kryor at MnDOT regarding safety concerns and the appearance of the project and the lack of <br />information available to the public regarding the project, <br />The safety concerns I have addressed with both of these men are not to benefit me personally in any way. <br />but to safeguard the residents of Roseville and their visitors who travel these roads. A school bus accident has <br />already occurred here as a result of speed and weather conditions, and due to the unique design of the road that <br />presently is not correctly marked for safety warnings. <br />The concerns I ha�e addressed to Karl and Tom Kryor are: <br />1. Signage that is not appropriate ie: this is not a right hand turn but a severe curve that <br />horsehoes around and should be marked with a�rv ,s,i�u. <br />2. No notice is given of the oncoming curve until you are halfway through the curve and <br />traveling east bound in the west bound lane or west bound in the east bound lane. roa hing t�c can not <br />anticipate that oncoming traffic to them would be in the wrong lane. I�L�„�( ��i ��j/p�i�l � <br />3. Stree stn� does not begin far enough back to ind�cate no c��� over �lanes. <br />4. S� G hp,�,tin$is not appropriate. The approach to the curve is black at night with only a <br />street lamp on the oorner thai is on the wr�ong side of the road Againduetotheodddesignofthetumdriversat <br />night are squealing on their tires to adhere to the road because they were not able to anticipate this odd turn. <br />S. T�ere is 30 feet, I am told, behveen this curve and the beginning to the exit ramp to Dale <br />Street. I have great concern for a car coming 55-65 miles per hour misjudging the exit or losing control and <br />ending up on Lovell Ave. and :- boning a car t�Taveling here. There is only a small wire fence here and in the <br />future possible some shrubs but no &sign is presently in the works and. that it could be up until2 years until the <br />project is completed. <br />6. A fence has been erected per MnDOT to prevent children from climbing on the hills and <br />falling into traffic. Safety is necessary butthe aesthetics to Roseville isdetrimeLtaY. KarM has toid me that clean up <br />is probable 1 time per year. � is always being thrown out here and is presently there, between the fence and <br />the hill recentty erecteci <br />I am asking the c�amcil to talce action here befare there is a deaeh. This is not, I repeat ao�, a normal <br />street design. Safety obviously was never addressed here when Roseville agreed to the plan. Karl has told me that <br />this is MnDots project and out of Roseville's hands. He has spoken with Tom at MNDt�7I' and they agreed to stripe <br />the �, which has n',a� little sliffere� to how people travel safely, and to a��st�rutss at the turn in the <br />future. The ar�a that is open to the freeway is for runoff and we are told this was the only p�ssible place it could <br />go, regardless of safety and noise level that it has caused. <br />I am asking again not for my own personally reasons, but for the safety of the community. I asked Mayor <br />John to come out see how unsafe this corner is and how inappropriate signage, markings, and safety nets are <br />lacking <br />