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POLICY OBJECTIVE <br />The proposed agreement is consistent with these City of Roseville policies: <br />. The Roseville Parks and Recreation System Plan defines the mission of the City <br />owned and operated Harriet Alexander Nature as to promote an understanding, <br />appreciation and action to protect and improve the environment. <br />. The System Plan further states that staff will attempt to partner with other agencies, <br />organizations and companies to further the goals of the City of Roseville using <br />outside resources to reduce the financial burden of City taxpayers. <br />. The Parks and Recreation Commission has reviewed the proposal and determined <br />that the use of the land is for park purposes and consistent with the System Plan. <br />FINANCIAL IMPLICATION <br />None. The City would gain the use of additional classroom space, the services of the <br />MWRC and access to additional volunteers at no cost. <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />Based on the recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Harriet <br />Alexander Nature Center staff and volunteers, staff recommends that the City of Roseville <br />complete the proposed agreement with the Wldlife Rehabilitation Center for the lease of <br />land at the Harriet Alexander Nature Center. <br />COUNCIL ACTION REQUESTED <br />Motion authorizing the staff to prepare the final contract for an agreement with the <br />Minnesota Wldlife Rehabilitation Center to lease land at the Harriet Alexander Nature <br />Center for Council approval at the July 10 City Council meeting. <br />