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.1llorthe�st Dia onc�l Transitw� <br />g y <br />Trrrffic on themehnpolif� higMany system is expected to <br />inu'ease stigrNfioantly by the year 2020. A projected i►F <br />a�atse in populatian of o�r 650,000 people is e�cpected to <br />add over 2.4 million dmly automobile trips to the regia'al <br />hi systetn by 2020. Mary fr'ee�uay segments, includii <br />Interstate 35W and Highway 36, are appr'oachirr� a�pccity. <br />Due to I im its of highway e�¢ar�stian, metropolitan cwrv�rwties <br />are foa�sirg nwr�e atterrtion on ak�atives for ma�agirg the <br />r�egiare's fut�re mobility. Or�e tool for rtaagirg mobility is <br />�ptW I d I I alternotiv�e fa�ms of tnansportation, s uc h as exclu- <br />sive ttronsitways, lii roil tratsit (LR�, commuter rnil'tron- <br />:sit, commuter bicycle routes, ond enhancedtro�tsitservice. <br />In late 1998, eri opporhriify to iraest �n a futu�e tnar�orfic- <br />ition alternative arase when the Bu'lir�gton Nor'thern Sante <br />�e (B1�JSF) Raib^aad arrwu�uc� plar�s t� abandor�ed a 2.4 mile <br />segrnent of a roil carticlor that str�etd�es from Mirr�apolis <br />to White Bear Lalct. The 2.4 mile portion BfVSF piarrte,d to <br />cbv�done,d exte�ds frbm Broadway Avenue in Mirrienpolis to <br />Wnhut Street in kaseville. The �irag portion of the rnil <br />caridor (i.e., Wahut Street to White Bec� Lake) is a'rtici- <br />pated to be �ardorkd in the futtre due to extrdtiely bw <br />frei��ht nail tnaffic �rokxnes, a smalt freight roil service a�s- <br />tomer base, md poor rail track conditior�s. <br />For� inor�c informotian, p/�ase ca�toct aithar: <br />Kati�e Walker, Herr�in Canty Rogiqnal Rail�ond Authority <br />4117 North 5th Street, Suite 320 <br />Mim�apolis, Mirr�sota 55401 <br />(i612) 348-2190 (phorle) <br />(i612) 34&9710 (fax) <br />katie.uucllcer'C co.hexnepir�m►ttis <br />RecognizingthattheBNSFabardonment presenteda�nique <br />opport�nity to begin presenation of a cartirw�ous corridor• <br />firom Minrieapolis to White Bear take, a grouN of loonl gov- <br />emments joined forces in early 1999. The loml govenvt�ertts <br />inck,ded the Herr�pin and Rarrssey CotattY Recl+ornl r?arlroad <br />Authorities; the cities of Minrieapolis, St. Mthotiy, and Ro-� <br />sevill�; and the I-35W Corridor Coclitiat Over the past <br />year, this grbup has worked together to acquire the aban- <br />daned 2.4 mile segment as a first step in pre.�virg the <br />entire l�lorthe�t Dingonol Ti�ar�sifwiay Corridor (Mimenpolis <br />to White Beor Lake) for n future t�ortatian use. <br />Curently, the Hermepin and Rmttsey Canty Regional Ral- <br />road Authorities are in the pr�cess of negotK.rtirg n(ou-- <br />chose agreema�t with BNSF for the 2.4 mile segment <br />(Brocc�iwny Ave�x�e to Walnut Street). <br />The recently com pleted AAetr+q�oiiivi Cartcil Ti�m�t 2020 <br />Pb� identi;ies the entire Na�thesst DiagonalTr+ar�sitwny <br />Corridor (Mimec��olis to W hite Bear Lake ) as a potential <br />futu"e tra'tstitway . <br />Area legislctars, loanl elected offiaals, axi the public are <br />irtvite;d to m irrfo�raFicn�i meet�� caxenWng the Northeast <br />Diajorn) Trcnsitwav, which will be held on Wadaesnfoy, �pr�7' <br />26, 2GqD, fitim 4:Gt�PM iv ✓•31DPMat ii�e Ro�er�fe Gity <br />/�l ('266� GTi�ic Car,1+r �i+e). <br />AI icia Vap, Ramsey Caunty RegianalRnik�oad �lutho�ty <br />50 W�st Kellogg Boulev�oo�d, Suite 665 <br />Sairrt °c�l, M'vr�esotn 55102 <br />(651) 266-2773 (pl'i0r1e) <br />(651) 266-2761 (f 1X� <br />alitia.v�@co.romsey.mtus <br />