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SECTION 4. Public Purpose Statement for Infrastructure Development. From time to time, the City Council may choose to <br />invest in infrastructure to improve the quality, quantity, effectiveness, and efficiency of public improvements, programs, and <br />services. The City may assist (or share with a collaborator from other public or private sector agencies) in the provision of such <br />improvements. <br />The process for approving infrastructure developments includes the following: <br />A. The City Council may designate a review board or task force and a chairperson, and provide a specific task and <br />timetable for the review board or task force to review such proposals. During its designated time, the review board or <br />task force may hold public information meetings to gather input regarding the proposals, and report its findings to the <br />City Council for Council consideration. The review board or task force may be composed of representatives from the <br />Council, the City Manager, Finance Director, Community Development Director, a representative from the Planning <br />Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission, as well as other citizens and participants designated by the <br />City Council. <br />The review process shall be composed of <br />1) Recommending possible public and private sector collaborators or joint ventures that may assist in the <br />improvement and ongoing administration, programming> and maintenance costs of the project. <br />2) Recommending any private sector investments that may leverage or multiply the impact of the public sector <br />investment. <br />3� Estimating the job creation and head-of-household/living wages that would be created or supported by such <br />ventures. <br />4� Estimating the tax value and possible additional property taY value that could be generated by the proposed <br />development. Estimating the impact on the School District and the County. <br />5) Estimating the community quality of life and customer service improvements that may occur because of the <br />proj ect. <br />6) Recommending future phases of improvement for the project which would provide a competitive leading <br />edge or new direction for the City. <br />�� The review process shall be composed of evaluation of potential alternative sources of revenues. <br />APPENDIX 1. Procedures. The following procedures are hereby adopted to provide direction before, during, and after <br />consideration of the tax increment financing request by the City Council: <br />A. The applicant, the proposed project, and its application process shall comply with State StaYutes, 469.175, regarding the <br />use of tax increment financing. All consultants representing the applicant shall be separate and independent from the <br />City. All materials and applications supplied by the applicant or its consultants shall become the property of the City. <br />No assurances of approval are implied or possible through the application or review process. <br />B. The City shall be. reimbursed by the applicant for all costs incurred by the City in the preparation and review of the <br />proposal. The applicant shall deposit with the City a non-refundable administrative/application fee as requested by the <br />City Council. Prior to final approval of the taY subsidy, the City Finance Director shall certify any additional costs not <br />covered by the administrative or application fees, which shall be paid to the City prior to fmal approvals by the City. <br />No construction shall be done prior to final approval of the tax increment subsidy plan. <br />C. The City reserves the right to deny any application for financing at any stage of the tax increment review or hearings <br />prior to the adoption of the fmal approval authorizing the issuance of the loan. <br />D. The City reserves the right to select a third party to assist in the management of the taY subsidy process. <br />E. Proposals shall include a description of all direct and indirect service and improvement costs to the City, School <br />District, and County caused by this project. <br />APPENDIX 2. Tax Increment Term. The maximum term of use to collect taY increment subsidies shall be limited, unless <br />extended by City Council to protect community interests, as follows: <br />l. Low Income Housing 20 years increment <br />2. Redevelopment of blighted areas 12 years increment <br />3. All Other Uses 10 years increment <br />4. Subdistricts for Hazardous Substances Only the years needed to pay for cleanup <br />