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WHEREAS there appears to be no impact on general health, safety, and public welfare. <br />The project expansion is located in an area surrounded by commercial uses and parking lots. <br />The car wash entry and exit doors face east and west allowing vehicles to enter from the east and <br />exit to the west and north where there are no directly affected residential structures. And, roof <br />top equipment — if needed — must be screened from view. The car wash will have automatic <br />closing overhead doors to reduce the noise of the washing and drying apparatus. In addition, the <br />proj ect complies with the Comprehensive Plan designation as a business use, and <br />WHEREAS, the proposed location of the storage area and car wash (south of the existing <br />structure and least visible from the street) utilizes existing impervious area, and <br />WHEREAS, the site zoned `B-3", General Business District, has a Comprehensive Plan <br />designation of "B", Business, and is located in Comprehensive Planning District No. 14; and <br />WHEREAS, the Roseville Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the <br />request on Wednesday, September 13, 2000, and recommended approval (6-0) of the requested <br />conditional use permit (subj ect to conditions); and <br />WHEREAS, the Roseville City Council received the Planning Commission's <br />recommendation on Monday, September25, 2000; and <br />WHEREAS, the Roseville City Council has determined the request by Ted Brausen and <br />Croix Oil Company meets the necessary criteria necessary to grant the conditional use permit. <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Roseville, <br />Minnesota, Ramsey County, Minnesota, that a conditional use permit to allow the construction of <br />a 40 foot by 50 foot (2,000 square foot) car wash addition onto the rear (south side) of the gas <br />station at 2 15 1 Da1e Street North, be approved subject to the following conditions: <br />Space for 13 off street parking spaces must be provided and appropriately striped on the <br />parking surface. <br />The off-street parking space adj acent to County Road B along the west property line <br />must be eliminated. <br />Existing and proposed impervious area calculations shall be submitted and reviewed by <br />the City Engineer. Storm water ponding will not required if the site has no net increase <br />of impervious area. <br />The landscape plan must be revised and submitted to the City for review and approval <br />with the building permit application. The plan must include year round landscape <br />screening from the parking areas to the public right of ways and screening of the <br />entrance and exit doors of the car wash, as well as the south and west side of the <br />building. <br />