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OS%08%00 0 7: 00 rA.Y d12 398 1�8J ,]OH.` C.�RPEtiT£R �U? <br />���l�m� nEMOC�Hie TEC�r�voLOG1ES, rNC. <br />�5�� <br />���v 17258 (ASPER CT., LAKBVLL.I.E, LL'�1 55044, ;61� 89$-1563 <br />August 6, 2040 <br />Mr. Brad Scheib <br />Awards Committee Chair <br />Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. <br />123 North Third Street, Suite 100 <br />Minneapolis, MN 55401 <br />Dear Mr. Scheib and Award Committee Members: <br />;:. <br />,� <br />I would like to add my support to the nomination of Dennis P. Webch for the '� <br />Distirrguished LevdershipAward from the Minnesota Chapter of the American Planning <br />Association (MnAPA). Simply stated, 1 know of no person more deserving of this award <br />than Dennis Wclsch. <br />My relationship with Dennis is rather unique. I have had the opportunity as a consultant <br />to work closely with Dennis for most of the past ten years and have seen him shine in <br />numerous occasions and in many different situations. Over this period, I worked with <br />Dennis wl�e in his role as Community Development Director in both Apple Va11ey and <br />Roseville. In addition, it has been my pleasure to join Dennis on two latge regional <br />collaborative planning projects and stand beside him in numerous planning presentations <br />and college lectures. <br />Dennis is a leader in tbe true sense. He is a consiumnate visionary with t�ie sk�ls to <br />iasRire his staffand reassure his city manager, commission memben and elected <br />officials. He is a modest person who prefus to see his staff and colleagues excel rather <br />than taking the glory for himself Yet, he has bcen very successful throughout his career <br />and made significant contn'butions to planning and community development in the cities <br />he has served and the Twin Cities in general. <br />Here are a few examples. Under his leadership in 1992, the City of Apple Va11ey was <br />one of the first metro area communities to embrace GIS and integrate this technology into <br />;ts zonin� ana comprehensive planning process While at Apple Valley he was also <br />instrumental in the development of the Dakota County Eco�nomic Development �� <br />Partnership and convened a group that produced the first regional collaborative GIS �r <br />planningproject. After moving to Roseville, he was the key to the development of the <br />North Metro I-35W Corridor Coalition. This coalition is now fnur years old and is <br />widely seen as a model of effectivc subregional planning. Within the Coalition, Dennis �° <br />has also been instrumental in promotmg development of new GIS and socioeconomic <br />inforn�ation systems that are currently being used to help assess needs for affordable <br />housing, senior services, transit routes, and job development. � <br />