City Council Minutes - 1 1/27/00
<br />Draft Copy Page 2
<br />B. Approval of Minutes
<br />B-1 Mastel moved, Goedeke seconded, that the minutes of the meeting
<br />of November 13, 2000 be approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Mastel,
<br />Goedeke, Maschka, Wiski and Kysylyczyn. Nays: None.
<br />Minutes
<br />C. Consent Agenda Consent Agenda
<br />Maschka moved, Mastel seconded, that Items C-1 through C-9 and
<br />C- 12 be approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Mastel, Goedeke, Maschka,
<br />Wiski and Kysylyczyn. Nays: None.
<br />C-1 Maschka moved, Mastel seconded, to reject the bid that was Re�ection of Bid
<br />received by November 1, 2000 for the refurbishment of Engines 21 Refurbishment of
<br />and 3 1. Roll Ca11, Ayes: Mastel, Goedeke, Maschka, Wiski and Fire Engines 21 & 31
<br />Kysylyczyn. Nays: None.
<br />c-2 Maschka moved, Mastel seconded, to reject a11 bids that were Re�ection of all Bids
<br />received by November 1, 2000 for the replacement of Fire Engine Replacement of
<br />12. Roll Call, Ayes: Mastel, Goedeke, Maschka, Wiski and Fire Engine 12
<br />Kysylyczyn. Nays: None.
<br />c-3 Maschka moved, Mastel seconded, to approve the re-advertisement Re-Advertisement of �
<br />of bid specifications for the replacement of Engine 12 and for the Replacement of
<br />refurbishment of Engines 21 and 3 1. Roll Call, Ayes: Mastel, Fire Engine 12 and
<br />Goedeke, Maschka, Wiski and Kysylyczyn. Nays: None. Refurbishment of
<br />Fire Engines 21 & 31
<br />c-4 Maschka moved, Mastel seconded, authorizing the Acting City
<br />Manager and Mayor to sign the attached easements for the trail in
<br />Central Park and the payment of $27,688 to Prince of Peace Church
<br />with the money to be taken from the 2000 City of Roseville
<br />Contingency Fund. Roll Call, Ayes: Mastel, Goedeke, Maschka,
<br />Wiski and Kysylyczyn. Nays: None.
<br />C-5 Maschka moved, Mastel seconded, approval of applications to the
<br />Ramsey County Soccer Partners for Lexington Park for $50,000 and
<br />for Rosebrook Park for $92,000 for the development of one new
<br />soccer field at Lexington Park and two new soccer fields at
<br />Rosebrook Park. Roll Call, Ayes: Mastel, Goedeke, Maschka,
<br />Wiski and Kysylyczyn. Nays: None.
<br />Payment to
<br />Prince of Peace
<br />Central Park Easemen
<br />Approval for Applicat
<br />Ramsey County Socce
<br />Partners Grants
<br />C-6 Maschka moved, Mastel seconded, to authorize acceptance of the Approval of
<br />f..11�v`�'� [listed] donations. Roll Call, Ayes: Mastel, Goedeke, General Donations
<br />Maschka, Wiski and Kysylyczyn. Nays: None.
<br />