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Te,.,...���,. ....� .,.,,� -,,��„� �, a<< ��,c u«�ric�anon inat }�ou are asKetl to �rovide is classified by State ]aw as citber private or <br />confidential. Private data is information thai ge�erally ca�uiot be given to [he pubiic but can be given to [he subject of the data. <br />Ca�}rdential data is informatian that gcnerally cannot be g'sven to either the public or the subject o£ihe data. <br />Ho��� has our view of the rolc of t�is Cammissiou chan ed since your first term? <br />l i�e.. �c-al� ��-E-�i.e_ C�vu,� �-�. v�e,wt.a.��._ �-v��-� � f�e a, ��i,��_ <br />-�o �c,.J i/�- i't�—�.-. r'� ; c�.-e.,.��., �'-Y, hC�r�e�.9--� �� �.t�e� cLre_ � u.�: �.�,,t_. _-� <br />___Y___�jo u.c,.� � �' � w� �� 6 c.a_ � 0 1 CJor�C Yv�a*a._. <br />Uther Corrtments: (Include a�2y further infoj•matiort you would like the City Cauncil to consider or <br />lhat you feel is relevant to re- appoirirnient. Yo:� may also r�ttach other• niaterials you �vould like the <br />'I'he City of Roseville is colleciing the infornzarion to deteraiine qualifications to serve on a Citizen Advisory Comrnission. <br />You are not legaliy requised to provide this inSormation. However, if you do noF suppty the infonnatioa, you may not serve on <br />a Citizen Advisory Convnission. <br />OQier persons or entities authorized by law to receive this information are Ciry Council members, staff, residents of Roseville <br />and interes[ed others. <br />I wlderstand that all uiformati.on provided in this application, except my telephone numbers, faY nurriber and <br />emai] address, may be distributed by the City to the public including, but not lunited lo, being posted an the <br />City afRoseville website. I a��ree to �vaive any a»d all claims under the Minnesota Govemment Data <br />�'ractices Act, or az-►y other applicable state and federal ]aw, that in atiy way related to tt�e dissemination to the <br />public of information contained in this application that would be classified as private ander such laws. I <br />understand that I may contact the responsible authority for Ehe City of Roseville if I have any questions <br />regarding the public or private nahare of the infonnation provided. <br />I understand that the City will not publish my phone or fax nun�bers or en.�ail address without niy authorization <br />and do hereby allo�� the Cily to publish (check al! that apply). <br />_home telephone number <br />_work tieEephone number <br />home email address <br />~work emait address <br />"" Signature of Applican� v Date of Applieation <br />Recappoinlment Applicatio�: 09II30 <br />