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Human Rights Commission
Agendas and Packets
2010 Agendas and packets
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Last modified
3/17/2010 8:43:29 AM
Creation date
1/6/2010 9:29:21 AM
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Human Rights Commission
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~~~~lFiY~ <br />January 5, 2010 <br />To: Roseville Human Rights Commission Members <br />Fr: Lonnie Brokke, Parks and Recreation Director <br />Throughout the "Imagine Roseville 2025" process citizens have expressed a real commitment to <br />parks and recreation, with a vision for the future that includes great parks, open spaces and multi- <br />generational recreation programs and facilities. As a result of Imagine Roseville 2025, the recently updated <br />City Comprehensive Plan and direction and recommendation from the City Council and the Parks and <br />Recreation Commission aSystem-wide Parks and Recreation Master Plan update was initiated in September <br />2009. LHB, Inc. and Cornejo Consulting were selected to lead the community input and planning processes. <br />The following initiatives have taken place to date; <br />^ A 28 member Citizen Advisory Team (CAT) was created and have met five times to explore and <br />discuss the parks and recreation system. <br />^ The first community wide meeting was held on November 5 with 70 community members in <br />attendance. The meeting featured an interactive planning workshop that resulted in a wide range of <br />ideas for the future of Roseville Parks and Recreation. <br />^ Community Outreach and Engagement opportunities have included presentations, the "Meeting-In- <br />A-Box" (MIB) effort and online updates. The MIB features an informal conversation-like <br />presentation and an introductory questionnaire that details how the parks and recreation system is <br />currently being used. <br />During January and February we will be conducting several "Listening Sessions." These sessions allow <br />for smaller group discussions of community needs and specific organizational interests. Listening sessions <br />are also being planned for the City Council and all Roseville advisory commissions. The Master Plan will <br />benefit most from community input at all levels and from involvement by everyone with a vested interest in <br />the future of Roseville Parks and Recreation. <br />We will be attending your January 12a' meeting to provide a brief presentation and answer any questions <br />you might have. <br />We encourage you to get involved in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update. Your opinions and <br />ideas are invaluable to the future of Roseville Parks and Recreation. <br />
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