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City Council Meeting Minutes
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1/20/2010 8:52:15 AM
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1/20/2010 8:52:12 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, December 21, 2009 <br />Page 12 <br />refund funds earmarked for this street replacement fund, it would weaken the City's posi- <br />tion, and a policy discussion may be prudent. Mr. Miller advised that, if the final pay- <br />ment is made in 2010, the PMP will be returned to its 2000 status. <br />Further discussion included the status of the City's reserve funds, down between $8 - 10 <br />million, with a fraction due to the economy and reduced interest income, and the majority <br />from utility improvements and spending down of those reserves; and whether taxpayers <br />would be in a better position in 2010 or 2011, based on the economic recovery, for addi- <br />tional tax burdens. <br />Councilmember Roe sought clarification whether the $490,000 appeared on the <br />2008/2009 budget summary; and whether this was an increase in what taxpayers were be- <br />ing asked to pay. <br />Mr. Miller responded that this internal loan had been in place for eight years and was a <br />continuation of past budget cycles; with the same $490,000 payment applied annually <br />throughout those years; and that this was not something contributing to this year's pro- <br />posed increase. <br />Councilmember Pust noted that this was an expense that the City could control, since it <br />was an internal loan. <br />Amendment <br />Ihlan moved, Pust seconded, to defer the $490,000 payment for the internal loan; and to <br />bring it up again for the 2011 budget for reconsideration; thereby reducing the proposed <br />budget and levy by $490,000. <br />Councilmember Ihlan spoke in support of the motion, since it was an internal transaction; <br />and opined that it would be appropriate to defer payment for one year and thereby reduce <br />the levy by that amount. <br />City Manager Malinen, while recognizing the purpose of the proposed amendment, asked <br />the City Council to hear from the City's Public Works Director Duane Schwartz on po- <br />tential impacts to the City's street reconstruction and maintenance program. <br />Mayor Klausing spoke in opposition to the motion; expressing his perception of the irony <br />in Councilmember Ihlan expressing concern and frustration to increase funding for the <br />2010 election, when she was the one voting for the motion to eliminate funding in 2009 <br />in an effort to balance the budget at that time. Mayor Klausing questioned whether 2011 <br />would see the economy improving substantially; and opined that not taking action at this <br />time only shifted the problems onto future City Councils, taxpayers and generations. <br />Mayor Klausing further opined that the proposed amendment was not fair to the commu- <br />nity or represented a good long-term policy. <br />
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