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DRAFT Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 04, 2010 <br />Page 10 <br />Councilmember Pust noted that she was elected as the President of the Roseville <br />Community Foundation this year by that body, anon-profit board, and not as an <br />appointee of the City Council. <br />Mayor Klausing noted other similar situations, such as the Armory Citizen's <br />Committee, and those other boards identifying individual City Councilmember <br />participatory and leadership roles within the community. <br />Councilmember Roe suggested that, in the future, this listing provided by staff <br />identify those differing designations, whether a City Council appointment or <br />other. <br />Further discussion included elimination of the Nature Center Task Force and <br />Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee, and including the Parks Master Plan <br />Team on the revised list. <br />City Manager Malinen was tasked with clarifying with Community Development <br />Director Patrick Trudgeon whether a citizen advisory group and Councilmember <br />liaison was to be appointed as part of the recodification of the City's zoning code, <br />or if this was just an internal process at this time. <br />No formal action was taken. By consensus, all current Council liaisons continue <br />in effect. <br />c. Discuss City Council Strategic Planning <br />City Manager Malinen noted that the City, as past practice, had scheduled an an- <br />nual strategic planning session for the City's management staff and Councilmem- <br />bers to establish annual goals; recommended such a meeting in 2010; and sought <br />City Council direction as to doing so in 2010. <br />Councilmembers concurred that this was a valuable process. <br />Councilmember Roe observed that the 2009 meeting was mostly spent on budget <br />adjustments due to budget unallotments at the State level; and did not serve as a <br />genuine strategic planning session. <br />Councilmember Johnson noted that this year's meeting would allow initiation of <br />the recently-adopted BFO process in the planning process. <br />Further discussion included timing of such a meeting, with preference expressed <br />by City Manager Malinen for a Saturday morning to allow focused discussions <br />away from normal business routines, and in a more informal session as last year's <br />meeting held in the Fireside Room at the Skating Center. <br />