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EXTRACT OF M I NUTES OF M EETI NG <br />OF CI TY COUNCI L <br />CI TY OF ROSEVI LLE <br />RAM SEY COUNTY, M I NNESOTA <br />Pursuant to due cal I and noti ce thereof, a regul ar mee�i ng of the Ci ty Counci I of the Ci ty of <br />Rosevi I le, County of Ramsey, M i nnesota, was duly held i n the City Hal I at 2660 Civic Center <br />Drive, Rosevi I le, M i nnesota, on M onday, 8t" day of February, 2010, at 6:00 p.m. <br />The fol I owi ng members were present: and the fol I owi ng members were absent: <br />Counci I member i ntroduced the fol I owi ng resol uti on and moved i ts adopti on: <br />RESOLUTION NO. <br />FI NAL CONTRACT ACCEPTANCE <br />ROSEWOOD NEI GH BORHOOD DRAI NAGE I M PROVEM ENTS PROJECT <br />BE IT RESOLVED by theCity Council of theCity of Roseville, asfollows: <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to awritten contract signed with the City on September 14, 2009 for the <br />RosEwood Neighborhood DrainagelmprovementsProject, TMSConstruction, Inc., of Prior <br />L ake, M i nnesota, has sati sFactori I y compl eted the i mprovements associ ated wi th thi s contract. <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />ROSEV I L L E, M I N N ESOTA, that the work compl �ed under sai d contract i s hereby accepted <br />and approved; and <br />B E I T FU RTH ER RESOLV ED: That the Ci ty M anager i s hereby di rected to i ssue a proper <br />order for the f i nal payment of such contract, taki ng the contractor's recei pt i n f ul I; and <br />B E I T FU RTH ER RESOL V ED : That the one year warranty peri od as speci f i ed i n the contract <br />shal I commence on February 8, 2010. <br />The moti on for the adopti on of the foregoi ng resol uti on was dul y seconded by <br />Counci I member and upon vote bei ng taken thereon, the fol I owi ng voted i n favor thereof: and <br />the fol I owi ng voted agai nst the same: <br />Whereupon sai d resol uti on was decl ared dul y passed and adopted. <br />