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: �:�. ` <br />�.` � ' <br />. : <br />: <br />' , � : �' ,. <br />February 8, 2009 <br />'f0 THE CITY COLJNCIL, CITY OF R�SEVILLE, MINNESQTA <br />RE: Rosewood Neighborhood Drain.age Improve���ents Project <br />Coniract Accepta��ce and Fi��al Payment <br />Dear Cotuici] 1Vleinbers: <br />I have observed the work �xecuted as a part of the Rosewood Neighbarhood Drainage <br />Im��-ovements Project. I find that the work completed to date is has been completed in al] <br />respecis accordi�7g to tl�e plans, specifications, ai�d the cor�tract. I therefare recommend that final <br />payrnent be �nade fi•oin the improvetnent fiind to tl�e contractors for the balance o�i the contract <br />as foilows: <br />�riginal Co�-►tract amount (based oi� esti7r�ated quantities) <br />Final Contract Ainount <br />Actual amount due (based on act�ial quai�tities) <br />I'revious payme��Cs <br />Balance Due <br />TE1e constraction costs for this project have bee�� fii��dec� as follows: <br />Starnl �e�ver Utility <br />Please leC me 1 <br />Si� c i rely, <br />�� <br />De ra M. Bloc <br />�1 Q3,222.40 <br />$44,715.70 <br />$44,715.7Q <br />$0 <br />�44,715.74 <br />$ 44,715.70 <br />if yo�� 11ave a�iy questioi�s or co�lcerns and would like mare infon�latioii. <br />City Engi.i�ee7• <br />651-792-7042 <br />dcb.bloom@ci.roseville.mi�ais <br />26b0 Civic Center Drive ❖ Roseville, Minnesota 55113 <br />651-792-ROSE ❖ TDD 651-792-7399 ❖ ww�uci.� <br />Recycicd paper - 30°/o pnst-consumer content <br />