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Department Approval <br />� <br />l�'�, <br />Jy <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCI L ACTI ON <br />Date: February 8, 2010 <br />Item No.: 7.m <br />Ci ty M anager A pproval <br />I tem Descri pti on: <br />Establish a Public H e�aring on February 22, 2010 regarding the Lake Owas� Safe Boating <br />Assoaation's Request for Plac�ement af Water Ski Course and Jump on Lake Owas� <br />BACKGROUND <br />I n 1997 the Lake Owasso Ta�lc Force presented a series of recommendations to the City Counci I. The <br />Counci I, i n the resol uti on taki ng acti on on the recommendati ons, agreed i t woul d be the pol i cy of the Ci ty <br />to provi de for publ i c comment at Counci I meeti ngs regardi ng requests for permi ts on the L ake. <br />PROPOSED ACTI ON <br />The Lake Owasso Safe Boati ng Association requests approval for placerrient of a water ski course and <br />j ump i n the same I ocati ons as i n past ye�ars. <br />FI NANCIAL I M PACTS <br />There are no f i nanci al i mpacts to the Ci ty <br />S�AFF RECOM M ENDATI ON <br />I t i s recommended the Counci l establ i sh a publ i c he�ari ng for the February 22, 2010, mee�i ng to provi defor <br />publ i c i nput. Aff ected Rosevi I I e resi dents on the L ake wi I I be noti f i ed. <br />REQUESTED COUNCI L ACTION <br />M oti on establ i shi ng a publ i c heari ng f or the Ci ty Counci I meeti ng of February 22, 2010, to provi de f or <br />publ i c comment regardi ng pl acernent of awater ski course and j ump on Lake Owasso for the 2010 season. <br />Prepared by: Acting Chief Rick Mathwig <br />Attachment: Copy of Certificateof Insurance <br />Page 1 of 1 <br />