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Counci I Agenda - Page 2 <br />6:30 p.m. 8 <br />9 <br />Subsurface Testi ng and Compl ete Remedi al PI anni ng for <br />the Tw i n L akes Phase I I Publ i c I nf rastructure Proj ect <br />h. A uthori ze Sal e of 1980 Caterpi I I ar 140G Road Grader <br />i. Adopt a Resol uti on to A pprove 2010 A pporti onment of <br />Asse�rnents <br />j. Recei ve F�asi bi I i ty Report and Order Publ i c H e�ar'i ng for <br />Ri ce Street/ TH 36 Bri dge Reconstructi on Proj ect <br />k. Approve an Agreement between the City of Sai nt Anthony <br />and the Ci ty of Rosevi I I e for the M i I I and Overl ay of <br />H i ghcrest Road <br />I. Adopt a Resol ution to Authorize Fi nal Payment and <br />Commence One-Ye�ar Warranty Period on Ros�wood <br />Neighborhood Drai nage I mprovements Project <br />m. Establ i sh a Publ i c He�ari ng on February 22, 2010 for <br />PI acement of Water Ski Course and Jump on Lake Owasso <br />Consider I tems Removed from Consent <br />General Ordinancesfor Adoption <br />10. Pr�qentations <br />6:40 p. m. <br />7:00 p.m. <br />11. <br />7:45 p.m. <br />12. <br />7:50 p.m. <br />7:55 p.m. <br />8:05 p.m. <br />8:15 p. m. <br />a. Rosevi I I e V i si tors Associ ati on A nnual Report <br />b. Parks and Recre�ati on M aster PI an L i steni ng Sessi on <br />Public He�arings <br />a. Publ i c He�ari ng Regardi ng U npai d Uti I i ty and Other <br />Charges to the Property Tax Rol I s <br />Busi ness I terns (Acti on I terns) <br />a. Adopt a Resol uti on to Certi fy U npai d Uti I i ty and Other <br />Charges to the Property Tax Rol I s <br />b. Consi der Presumpti ve Penal ty A pproval for pon Pabl o' s <br />A I cohol Compl i ance Fai I ure <br />c. Consider Presumptive Penalty Approval for Fuddruckers <br />A I cohol Compl i ance Fai I ure <br />d. Request to Perf orm an A batement f or U nresol ved <br />V i ol ati ons of Ci ty Code at 1423 Judi th Avenue <br />