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� Kimley-Harn <br />� and Assaciates, Inc, <br />Febz•�ary 8, 2010 <br />Ha�iorable Mayo�• �t�d Me�bers o f'the City Caunci l <br />City of Roseville <br />26G0 Civic Center Drive <br />Rosevillc, MN SS113 <br />Attn: Deb Bloorn, P.E. <br />City �n�incex/Assistant i'ublic Works Dirccfor <br />Re: Feasibility Stucly and Report <br />TH 3G/Ricc Street (C�AH 49) Interchnnge Tmprovements <br />Roseviile City �'roject 0�-I 1 <br />S.P. 62-G49-27 <br />Honorabte Mayor and Members of the City Council: <br />Ttac ea�c�osed feasibility report has been preparec� for the TH 36/Rice Stz-eet <br />{CSAH 49) Interchange Improvements, City Project 09-1 l. The fc�.sibitity <br />report details tf�c scope of the project as discussed with City and Ramsey <br />CoLtraty staff and provides �stinlated cosCs and a proposed met��od of <br />financing %r the pi•oject. <br />Tnformation utilized in the p�•eparation o�this report i�icl�ided roadway and <br />utility as-builts, in�ormation gathered througt� �eld reviews oftl�e projecL <br />area, and discussions with City and Co�nty staff. All avail�bic znforzxkation <br />was reviewed and conside�-�d to deterrnine the feasibi�ity of tlze proposed <br />project. <br />� <br />Suite 345N <br />2550 Universily Avenue Wesl <br />St. Paul, Minnesota <br />55114 <br />We believe tl�at tl�e proposed project is %asible, tl�at iti will banefit the <br />�roperties in the projeci arca, and il�at it will benefit both the city o�Rosevillc <br />anc� Ratnsey Cotmty. <br />����cerely� <br />K�MLEY-HORN AND f1SSOCIA'TES, �NC. <br />c.����-��� Ct �.� 1�.� � <br />Betiz A. Ealgurn, P�, <br />P�•ojcr,t M�tnager <br />Ez�cios���-c <br />■ <br />TEL 651 645 4f97 <br />FA;( 651 645 5�16 <br />