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Department Approval <br />�-. <br />I tem Descri pti on <br />BACKGROUND <br />l�'�, <br />Jy <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCI L ACTI ON <br />Date: 2/8/10 <br />Item No.: 7.k <br />Ci ty M anager A pproval <br />Approve an Agreement b�ween the City of Sai nt Anthony and the City of <br />Rosevi I I e for the M i I I and Overl ay of H i ghcrest Road <br />H i ghcrest Road b�ween County Road D and County Road C2 i s on the border of Hennepi n County <br />and Ramsey County. The ownershi p of thi s road i s spl i t at the centerl i ne b�ween the Ci ty of Sai nt <br />A nthony and Ci ty of Rosevi I I e. I t i s i n the best i nterests of the resi dents of each ci ty to undertake <br />the bituminous mill and overlay of Highcrest Road b�ween County Road D(37t" Avenue NE) and <br />County Road C2 (33rd Avenue N E) i n a cooperati ve fashi on. The goal of the Ci ti es i s to provi de for <br />a coordi nated cost effecti ve compl eti on of thi s proj ect. H i ghcrest Road i n Sai nt A nthony merges <br />wi th OI d H i ghway 8 and conti nues south of County Road C2. Sai nt A nthony i s al so doi ng <br />construction work on Old Highway 8 this ye�ar. As a result, the City of Sai nt Anthony has offered to <br />take the I e�ad on thi s proj ect provi di ng engi neeri ng servi ces i ncl udi ng desi gn, contract admi ni strati on <br />and construction management. <br />POLICY OBJECTIVE <br />Ci ty pol i cy i s to cooperate w i th adj acent ci ti es f or m utual benef i t w henever possi bl e. A stre� <br />reconstructi on agreement i s necessary to d�ai I the terms and responsi bi I i ti es of thi s cooperative proj ect. <br />Thi s agreement wi I I�ti al I y spl i t the costs for the proj ect between the two ci ti es and al I ow for Sai nt <br />A nthony to be rei mbursed for engi neeri ng expense.s by Rosevi I I e. The attached agreernent del i ne�ates <br />proj ect and payment responsi bi I i ti es rel ated to the proj ect. Thi s agreernent has been revi ewed si nce the <br />start of the ye�ar by the City Attorney. <br />� FI NANCIAL I M PACTS <br />. Each City will pay for their own portion of theproject construction within their City boundaries, which <br />. wi I I be approx i matel y a 50-50 spl i t of the road work compl eted i n the area w here H i ghcrest i s adj acent <br />. to Rosevi I I e. Sai nt A nthony wi I I provi de engi neeri ng servi ces and we wi I I rei mburse them for our share. <br />. At thi s ti me, the esti mated cost for thi s proj ect $274,756.78. Rosevi I I e' s share of the cost i s esti mated <br />. at $90,172.22. Thi s proj ect i s proposed to be f unded enti rel y through M uni ci pal State A i d f unds. <br />. S�AFF RECOM M ENDATI ON <br />. Staff recommends that the City Counci I approve the Stree� Reconstructi on Agreement for the mi I I and <br />. overl ay of H i ghcrest Road b�ween County Road D(37t" Ave N E) and County Road C2 (33rd Ave N E). <br />. REQUESTED COUNCI L ACTION <br />. Adopti on of a resol uti on approvi ng the Street Reconstructi on Agreement for the mi I I and overl ay of <br />H i ghcrest Road b�ween County Road D(37t" Ave N E) and County Road C2 (33rd Ave N E). <br />Prepared by: Debra Bloom <br />Attachments: A: Agreement <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />