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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 25, 2010 <br />Page 11 <br />Mr. Brokke advised that the resource aspect would be part of policy and proce- <br />dure discussions in determining priorities for the Master Plan, with the CAT dis- <br />cussing resources in greater detail. <br />As a Council representative to the CAT, Councilmember Roe highlighted some of <br />his personal thoughts and impressions, including the need to reach out to those <br />working in Roseville or coming for the retail amenities but not necessarily living <br />in Roseville, but using park and recreation services; pursuing listening sessions <br />with business owners; and micro-park options allowing for park-like amenities <br />within new developments in the community, that may be on private versus public <br />property. Councilmember Roe personally acknowledged the CAT members as a <br />great and diverse representation of the community -geographically, demographi- <br />cally, and economically -and the great process being utilized in this CAT, taking <br />past things learned from other groups (i.e., Comprehensive Plan Task Force) and <br />suggested that its model be used for future citizen teams. <br />11. Public Hearings <br />12. Business Items (Action Items) <br />a. Approve Request to Issue a Ramsey County Court Citation for Unresolved <br />Code Violations at 1450 County Road C <br />Permit Coordinator Munson reviewed the request for a Ramsey County Court Ci- <br />tation as detailed in the staff report dated January 25, 2010; providing a visual up- <br />date on the property as of today of this industrial property (zoned I-1) owned by <br />Ms. Joy E. Albrecht, residing in St. Paul, MN with the subject property occupied <br />by Minnesota Irrigation. Mr. Munson noted that there had been ongoing and re- <br />petitive complaints over the last 10 to 15 years with this property from adjacent <br />residential property owners abutting the rear yard. <br />Mr. Munson advised that Mr. Albrecht is currently in Ramsey County Court on a <br />separate issue involving outside storage violations at 1408 County Road C where <br />he operates Albrecht Landscaping, and while he's been slowly cleaning that site, <br />he has been temporarily moving vehicles and materials to the 1450 site. Mr. <br />Munson noted that, while Mr. Albrecht claims that he will comply, he can provide <br />no date for completion, and continues to be unresponsive, with court action re- <br />quired on the 1408 property before he took action. <br />Mr. Munson summarized the numerous violations consisting of open storage of <br />materials in the rear, side and front yard areas; operative vehicles and equipment <br />stored within the 40' rear setback area adjacent to residential property; semi- <br />trailers in a front yard area being utilized for storage; and parking/storing inopera- <br />tive/unlicensed vehicles on the property; and the specific code section violations. <br />