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November 6, 2009 <br />Craig Klausing, Mayor <br />Amy Ihlan, Councilperson-at-large <br />Jeff Johnson, Councilperson-at-large <br />Tammy Punt, Councilperson-at-large <br />Dan Roe, Councilperson-at-large <br />citycouncil@ci.roseville mn us <br />Re: sewer expense reimbursement <br />Dear City Council officials, <br />Margaret at Roseville City Hall suggested I address my concerns to the council as <br />a whole in the hope of gaining a response from the member best suited to help with my <br />specific situation. <br />In the past two years, I've contacted the council, along with the Ramsey County <br />Water District and the Attorney General's office, both of which suggested this would be <br />best dealt with on a city level, several times about the above referenced issue, (copy of <br />March 29, 20091etter follows), and while the sewer was finally insulated this past <br />summer, I'm still looking to recoup at least some of my out of pocket expenditures. <br />During those two years the sewer froze, I had additional heavy expenses to bear, <br />i.e. health-related (surgery ca-paysj; home repair costs (central air conditioning had to be <br />replaced and I cannot be without it) added to the sewer costs (there were others), the <br />combination of which took my entire savings and pushed me tc> max out my credit cards <br />so I could buy food, pap mortgage, property taxes, etc. Now that the credit cards are <br />gone, and having a fixed income, I've opted to pay my mortgage, heat, a~ electricity, <br />and use what little is left for food, prescription co-pays (6imanth; $10 - $50 eachj snow <br />removal and gas, and am now in arrears an my water bill, property and income taxes, on <br />which interest accrues daily. <br />Is there not someone who can help me with this? I'd like to set up a face-to-face <br />meeting at the council-member's earliest convenience to try and get this resolved; I have <br />complete documentation of all transactions, contacts, and conversations. Additionally <br />Duane Schwartz, Public Works Director, is familiar with the situation, and has been <br />sympathetic and helpful to the extern he could be. <br />I thank you in advance and look forward to hearing from someone soon. <br />Sincerely, <br />Bobbie J. (BJ) Carpenter <br />410 South McCarrons Blvd. <br />Roseville, MN 55113 <br />(651) 488-5593 <br />bjc348 <br />